stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

When did this forum become an anime/Japan worship forum? Every thread is full of strange Japanese-ness. The fuck is a turturo? Isn't that the name of the actor from The Big Lebowski/O Brother Where Art Thou?

Omae wa mou shindeiru.

John Turturro! That's his name. He got turned into a frog once and John Goodman threw him against a tree. Didn't know he was so popular in Japan!
When did this forum become an anime/Japan worship forum? Every thread is full of strange Japanese-ness. The fuck is a turturo? Isn't that the name of the actor from The Big Lebowski/O Brother Where Art Thou?
reaction when one brave soul stands up to face the anime plague:
John Turturro! That's his name. He got turned into a frog once and John Goodman threw him against a tree. Didn't know he was so popular in Japan!
Shout kurwa with correct pitch / accent / tone and you can communicate very easly. When it doesnt help point at the objects and there, you speak polish, kurwo.

Unless of course you want to pass as inteligent being you can commit 10+years of learning this monstrosity, but polacks dont like people with iq over 90 so its not recommended.
Kurwa carries more emotions, is more universal and sounds almost as good as Perkele. Kurwa all the way. Bonus points for being easier to pronounce.