stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!


Bought another body pillow :)
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If there's another conflict in the middle-east that AGAIN fucks up europe in some way because of america's small peepee im implanting a nuclear bomb in my anus and detonate myself in a mayor US city.
Turns out nukes were unnecessary to destroy USA.

Arigatou, China-san. Now just sell vaccines to Europe and the plan is complete
Keep in mind that US is a country where everyone and their grandma has a gun. Shit could really hit the fan in the following month or two.
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Stop, I can only get so erect.
Nation that thought they are above else now is going to slaughter each other in panic and fight for a roll of paper.

They will finally be too busy with their own problem and will stop fucking europe over with their righteusness in middle east and so on.

It's good for society too. It's been a week and I havent read anything about women having issue with how men sit in subway, no homosexuals demanding 50% of characters in media should be homosexual and blacks are probably too busy killing each other to complain on the web how Im responsible for slavery on other continent.

After this shit is over we should have few years until this bullshit picks up again. Far right should also realise that without minor "socialism" society in times like this is fucked. Those who survive should see better world.