stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

I avoided gym my whole life. But some dude's happy dance and perfect cosplay of chinese cartoon just compells me to hit the gym


American apes at it again.
Now I imagine white disney actor saying shit like that. Mouse would force choke him in 5 seconds.

But thats what happens when your ancestors were the one that got easly cought with a net, only the worst got imported out of Africa.
Stop, I can only get so erect.
Nation that thought they are above else now is going to slaughter each other in panic and fight for a roll of paper.

They will finally be too busy with their own problem and will stop fucking europe over with their righteusness in middle east and so on.

It's good for society too. It's been a week and I havent read anything about women having issue with how men sit in subway, no homosexuals demanding 50% of characters in media should be homosexual and blacks are probably too busy killing each other to complain on the web how Im responsible for slavery on other continent.

After this shit is over we should have few years until this bullshit picks up again. Far right should also realise that without minor "socialism" society in times like this is fucked. Those who survive should see better world.

have you ever considered that because you look for things to be outraged about, you find them in great abundance despite their rare and extreme nature?

reality is what you make of it. If you step out into the real world you'll find that most people don't find any of this to be significant. youre a smart guy but media manipulation is strong

if you consume media without thought youre just as blind as the opposition you loathe.

take care of yourself please
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have you ever considered that because you look for things to be outraged about, you find them in great abundance despite their rare and extreme nature?

reality is what you make of it. If you step out into the real world you'll find that most people don't find any of this to be significant. youre a smart guy but media manipulation is strong

if you consume media without thought youre just as blind as the opposition you loathe.

take care of yourself please

Thing is im avoiding things to be outraged about. This shit basically invades my life. Now half world away some criminal gets choked to death by cop and instead of putting him in jail I have to see some stupid hastag wherever I go because everyone wants to either loot, riot or just pretend to care, game companies, companies in general, even fucking cosplayers I watch only for tits. I seriously dont give a fuck about it but america has this special power of broadcasting their shit globally.

I really hope corona-chan attacks with double force now and all those rioting apes will end up coughing their lungs out on the streets and rot where they fall.
I cant.

Still cant visist internet without seeing:


or people of success apologising for their privilage, because blacks are too lazy or stupid to get into STEM field.

or people that created software I use apoligising, that theyre mostly white and the boss quits to make place for a black ape. Now I have to learn a new tool, because Im sure as fuck not using something designed by dindunuffin.

At least im doing my part and im dissing black cosplayers on twitter dressing as white / asian characters created by europeans or asians. I hate culture approriation, they shuld go back to cosplaying 4-5 characters they were able to create in the last hundred years.

The only thing that's keeping me sane is people shooting negros while defending their property or police not giving in and treating them like animals they are. Racism will win, because people are not equal. If I know my place blacks should have no problem accepting their place. Or start contributing to society instead of destroying it and being professional victims on welfare 24/7
I cant.

Still cant visist internet without seeing:


or people of success apologising for their privilage, because blacks are too lazy or stupid to get into STEM field.

or people that created software I use apoligising, that theyre mostly white and the boss quits to make place for a black ape. Now I have to learn a new tool, because Im sure as fuck not using something designed by dindunuffin.

At least im doing my part and im dissing black cosplayers on twitter dressing as white / asian characters created by europeans or asians. I hate culture approriation, they shuld go back to cosplaying 4-5 characters they were able to create in the last hundred years.

The only thing that's keeping me sane is people shooting negros while defending their property or police not giving in and treating them like animals they are. Racism will win, because people are not equal. If I know my place blacks should have no problem accepting their place. Or start contributing to society instead of destroying it and being professional victims on welfare 24/7

People rarely change their minds when their world view is insulted—in fact, confrontation tends to make us double-down on our respective positions—but I doubt I could change your mind, so I guess that’s a moot point.

Over the years and across accounts, you’ve continued to post some of the most vile, ignorant shit on this forum, and your gross simplifications and misrepresentations of race and gender issues remain as baffling as they are infuriating.

I’d post videos and articles to relevant perspectives but, regardless of where this hatred comes from, it appears to be deep-seeded and likely requires way more than a few pieces of media to change course.

(To make a corny programmer analogy: You’re stuck in a for loop that will never conclude on its own, so you need to quit the app, check the logic, and rewrite that code.)
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If it was planted deep it's be hateful since my youngest years. Access to world wide web showed me how many inferior creatures are on this planet and the longer I live the longer I wonder how this shit wasnt shut down long time ago. I probably said it once here, but I will say it again.
People got too comfortable on this planet again. No wars, no need to fight for life (corona-chan didnt meet the expectations) and people are just finding ways to get offended, keep trying to find enemies they can fight against pretending it's for the greater cause.

It will blow up, Right is on the rise last decade and is just fed reasons to fuck everything up again. I like my life, I have no need to suffer economic and war crisis because word "master" insults blacks on aonther continent or someone dared to make a joke about anyone else than straight white guy.

If we're sticking to programming. It's not an endless loop. It's a simple for loop and we are really close to reaching the "i". And when it does I'll just grab popcorn and get the fuck away to Asia, which seems to be only place on this planet that havent gone completely insane or isnt completely inhabitable. Unless China will bank on chaos and try to grab whole Asia by it's balls.

gotta love paitings of criminal dead negro with angel wings. He was such an angel when he held pregnant girl at gunpoint or when he was injecting another doses of narcotics. Good riddence.
That’s the response I assumed I’d get. You’re nothing if not consistent, oh mocker of Life.

I don’t expect you care about what’s going on in the US, but every complaint you have—beyond your lack of physical attraction to black people, which you’ve made very clear—is part of why these protests are going on right now.

There is deep systemic racism in this country, which has led to a disgusting disparity in how people are treated in all aspects of life.

Everything—education, job opportunities, housing—is more difficult here if you’re in a black, and there are constant reminders that this is not only by design, but supposedly correct because they are lesser than others. (Your comments about them being stupid, lazy animals very much included.)

Aside: This also highlights one of the reasons you have people promoting content like the one you summed up as “look at this black person doing amazing stuff”: When so many people are against you, it’s amazing that any person rises above that shit at all.​

Anyway, you and I continue to have a fundamental disagreement here—unstoppable force vs. immovable object—about equality. I don’t think skin pigmentation makes anyone more or less, and I wish the rest of the world felt that way too. Not simply in the hippie “everybody’s the same, man” sense, mind you, but because I also have no interest in thinking any more about this.

...and if I have no interest in thinking any more about this, I can only imagine how exhausted black folks are with this being their every day reality.
Skin pigmentation only makes it easier to label people at first glance. Like I always repeat when I go on my racist spree, as a whole I see blacks as lesser people, but I have no doubt there are countless blacks that are better than me. It's just the actions of the majority (or maybe very visible / vocal minority?) that causes the hate.

Let me return to your first paragraphs. You say they are treated like shit. I must ask one question - Why are other minorities not treated like that? They're not white. So what caused this racism? It didn't happen because someone rolled the die and decided that this millenium blacks will be hated. As you mentioned I don't care about US, but I educated myself on the fearsome "statistics". There is more crime blacks against whites than whites against blacks. More blacks kill blacks than whites kill blacks. More whites are killed by police than whites. And the famous "blacks commit 50% of the crimes while being 13% of the population".

Then I'm probably gonna hear that it's because of poverty. Well, that's a very nice excuse. Nowadays there are tons of programs and opprotunities to leave poverty. Sure, not everyone will leave it, world sucks, we are not equal, someone just has to get the shortest stick. But it seems blacks just refuse to change anything, theyre content with being victims, cash on that and do occasional riots during which they can commit crimes and not get caught.

And while im stubborn I'm not immovable. First I was very much tolerant and open minded, I had nothing against homosexuals. Then they started doing some stupid shit and my tolerance got shut down. But recently I've seen some movements that are interested in dialogue and actually fixing the problem and not just attention whoring during prides. And guess what, I'm back to supporting their rights, getting married and what not. I'm against adoption not because I don't think homosexual pairs cant raise a kid (Having no mother/father figure is better than having no figure at all), but I know the other children are not ready to accept kid with such parents. Or maybe im mistaken. I'm not strongly against this, I just know it would be really hard in poland, maybe in the west people are much more open minded.

So concluding - start acting like actual human beings and I might start respecting the race again. Good first step would be to stop being hypocrites, stop destroying shops, buildings and monuments and fix the violence problem within themselves. And stop acting offended and be aggresive when confronted with facts.