stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

something in the vein of what you had previously said. If the album's anything like Accelerated Evolution its going to kick ass.
Ill buy it either way, the videos look fuckin sweet :kickass:
Forum drink prices are insane! So only had one that my lil bro got me and that was it :p
I don't like merch-it's all black and extra large. I want merch i can wear!

Living in London helps with going to gigs.

I love my Bloodshed Over Bochum merch, fits perfect :)
I agree.

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[rant]This country is so fucking gheeeeey. New law concerning tobacco and alcoholic beverages: You have to show your ID until you're 20 if you want to buy it. However, you have to be 16 to buy tobacco and alcoholic drinks with <5% alchohol in it, 18 for >5%. So basically I'm wondering what the fucking point of this law is. And why the government is wasting time on such laws when there's much more important things to deal with. [/rant]
Yeah, and that's why it pisses me off. I don't have an ID, just a passport. Meaning I have to take my passport with me every fucking day now when I want to buy fags. That, while I've only needed it once, which was when I was 15. >8( And it's obvious that I'm not 16.