stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Anyway, has anyone here ever been through the channel tunnel? It appears I might have to do it this summer, and I think I'll need tranquillizers to survive it. Fun.
By train or car/bus? The train journey kicks ass! You go through a series of small tunnels (during which your ears will pop violently and you'll swear they'll start to bleed) lasting about a minute each, then before you know it you're in the last one (ears won't pop). About 20 mins later you're in France.
Bergen = Enslaved, Gorgoroth, Taake, Immortal

Oslo = Darkthrone, Mayhem, Ulver, Ved Buens Ende, Tsjuder, etc.

Tell me again who wins? :p

oslo wins :p, he knew i'd be on his side the moment he put down tsjuder, desert northern hell is amazing

Oh yeah? Your avatar is gay, and you're a Frenchie. You fail.

no u, hey and it's about time i got a new avatar.

i'd say something bad about immortal.....but there's nothing at all to say :cool: