stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Haha, jocke! We had a blast yesturday!! Everybody was so goddamn drunk and puked all over the place! And the neighbours got pissed and called the cops! shit, it was frikkin' scary getting chased by the cops?! shit dude. Hope we'll have a new party soon! hahaha
Here's my last project for an upstart band called "Behold, The Monolith!". Their mascot is a war-ape so they wanted a rendition of that character made for the debut album riding on a "Battlestagg" (which is the name of one of their songs). Overall, it was meant to be sort of a silly, tongue-in-cheek idea but they told me not to change my style so this is what I came up with.

Posting here just because it's the only place that seems off-topic enough to post it in. ;)


And yes...I intentionally made it Manowar-esque. Ken Kelly is an ultimate inspiration for me in everything from art to life in general. If only everything was as awesome as a Ken Kelly painting.