stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

I mean, it slowed down the internet for fucks sake...

people named chuck, john, cliff,vitek and syd etc. deserved a million times more attention than this person, which they didn't get.

Like him or not, the guy held a far more vast influence than anyone you mentioned. Of course his death will bring more attention to the table.

What so many people forget about music is the fact that it is THE outlet that mankind has made that is loved differently between everyone due to the great difference in everybodies OPINIONS. It's easy to be an elitist and call down hell upon a popular artist in a genre you don't like when you listen to death metal, but it is pointless. Why? Because its your opinion, and thats it.
Even if you do like death metal... if you didnt like Thriller... you're the faggot.

Then again... if the fiend is really from india.... and isnt that old... maybe he doesnt fully understand the importance of MJ?

He was "gone" a long time ago... but he was still one of the greatest musical entities of all time... rivaling even Elvis. Sorry... but the guy from Decapitated that died or Dead really cant stack up agains that.

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You're never too old for some orthodontist treatment.

My sister went to a dentist to get braces at 19 and he said it wasn't really advisable for any over 15-16 year people, because it can actually deform the alignment even further, and some reason for it which i don't remember.