stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Norwegian was actually invented by a Mountain Troll dwelling in the cold, frostbitten mountains of Jotunheim - without any outside influence from nearby countries such as the filthy Swedes, fat Danes, drunk Finns, drunk Russians or hot Icelanders.

What the Dane said is true. At least about Norwegian. But only partly. Remember that Norwegians used to speak Nordic, and that language is waaay older than Danish. Norwegian language is based on Nordic and Danish, sort of a combination.
haha... The funny thing is that people in sweden used to tell me exactly the opposite! somehow, norway always ended up in the middle of the fist fight between swedes and danes :lol:

finns are not scandinavians as far as I know... russia is a whole different story.

it eludes me how an individual can keep such constant high level of brutality without losing his sanity

when i try to rise above a steady level of 7.5 brutality (stefan scale) for over 15 minutes i already start feeling dizzy