STEMS. POST-HARDCORE. how many of you would mix it if i posted?!

i mean i don't mind that you're not doing it, but there's literally only 2 starting points for the stems, and then a tempo change. its not THAT hard. no cutting or going in and out of time.

I firstly imported the drum midi file, then everything else in one go (into Pro Tools)

Listened to the sample mix, lined up the guitar to the correct point when the drums start, moved the vocal into place, everything sounds fine until there is the synthy section with vocals ... drums and guitar come in together, vocals out of time, then the second big chug hit of drums and guitar is out of time, and vocals are way out ... and thats without chopping it up
@coreybrunnmann What guitars did you use when recording this song?

Epiphone Les Paul Standard, stock all the way around.
Ernie Ball Music Man Bass.
xpand2 for all synth, programming is boom with a bit crusher.
Vocals chain = AKG c2000b > Presonus Digimax FS > 002

pretty low end setup.
No toms because I didn't care

No vocals because I didn't like the way they were pre mixed.

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Holy shit. By far my favorites are 1) DeclanWhite 2) Charlez and 3) Seb. I'll have a go at them soon one day. Keep them posted!
Decided to post what I came up with to possibly get tips on how I could do it better, because I'm sure there are a 1000 things I could do differently.

I usually dabble in instrumental music, and I'm not really sure how to do vocals, so I left them out of this. Though I may come back to that at some point.

Edit: decided to try vocals..
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Decided to post what I came up with to possibly get tips on how I could do it better, because I'm sure there are a 1000 things I could do differently.

I usually dabble in instrumental music, and I'm not really sure how to do vocals, so I left them out of this. Though I may come back to that at some point.

Chango set?
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