Still Day Beneath The Sun and Patterns and Ivy 2 disscussion thread


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Apr 11, 2002
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As more and more peoples get the chance to hear those two precious Opeth's titles, I conceive it's the perfect time to get the thing started.

Here's a great comment for Xtokalon:

hm, I can think of a number of criticisms of these two songs already. I don't think its being "radiofriendly" would have anything to do with it.

I've always enjoyed songs like Harvest and even Drapery as a kind of intimate "singer-songwriter" gems of music. They have that effect on me at least.

These two songs could have been written by Paul Simon or so. It's close, it's emotional, it's intimate in a sincere way, a "haunting" way. What I don't like about these though is that, so far, they sound a like. Secondly, and sadly, the vocal productions need some improvement. This might be blasphemy, I think MA's singing is a bit too crackly. It's not the smooth, sonorous candy of yore. (ew, that sounds gay. ) Anyway, I'm only criticizing as far as criticizing involves criticism. The songs rock regardless. I like the direction of the music. It'd cool though if Opeth "mixed" up in the future albums- include "orchid" like songs interweaved with BP like songs, if you know what I mean.

*ends rant*

As for me, I'm in absolute consternation towards these precious gems. Also, I get a bit of a feeling that Mikeal wanted us to make some sort of "transition" with the upcoming material in order to get us fans slowly drifted into it...I may be wrong though.
My other post could use a little revision. Anyway, I don't want to give the wrong impression. These songs are perfect after-album songs, maybe too beautiful for metal. :)

Thanks Again ChangSo! \m/
I'm glad someone made this thread, I'm really keen on discussing them.

MA's vocals are certainly open for debate. People hassled "To Bid You Farewell" concerning his telephone singing vocals, but they were my favourite! I think with these two songs he is exploring a new style, less focussed on the beauty of his voice and moreover on coveying emotion. As far as I'm concerned they have not compromised their sheer devotion to music itself, not in the slightest, and for this I am content. Mikael always claimed to not care about the money, and 5 albums later its all true, and I think these songs illustrate the same idea.

Even if Opeth became the biggest thing since Nirvana (which I still don't think would happen anyway) if they keep producing music like these two songs I wouldn't care at all. Selling out is not becoming popular but writing music just to please others. The only fault I can see has already been pointed out - they are too similar. They should make some songs with the pink floyd feeling they had going on the end of Benighted and musical interlude of Moonlapse Vertigo. Also, (and I'm sure they will) get Martin Lopez in there on the drums.

Mikael Akerfeldt remains the secret King of all music! Dan Swano has a lot of work to do to catch up!
I broke and downloaded them, despite my order coming in a few days. If they were labelled as some totally different band, I'd never suspect a thing (Ok, I'd know). But he sings in like a totally new way. It's great though, to do something newish like that. I don't know if that's him and someone else doing the harmonies in Patterns II or not, but if it is.. then he clearly hasn't explored his vocal possibilities enough in the past because it sounds totally different.

The songs wouldn't have fit at all on BWP though. So I'm not wondering anymore why they'd leave two good songs off when there was room left on the album.

They sound kind of similar though. One could easily be part of the other and seem right.
the two songs are good...a little dissapointing because i expected so much from them (esp patterns II) though

the singing sounds like jonas renske (esp. the beggining of patterns II, which reminds me of the start of "we must bury you" by katatonia)

the songs are good but definetly not as catchy as harvest....i like the way opeth are going with their mellow side...i hope the new album is in this style.
Originally posted by changso
Also, I get a bit of a feeling that Mikeal wanted us to make some sort of "transition" with the upcoming material in order to get us fans slowly drifted into it...I may be wrong though.

i was thinking this myself....i think these songs are a kind of preperation for us, so that when the new album(s), which have been surrounded by so much hype, won't shock everyone

The songs wouldn't have fit at all on BWP though. So I'm not wondering anymore why they'd leave two good songs off when there was room left on the album.

i definetly agree and i'm glad that they didn't add them to BWP originally because it would totally kill the mood and 'vibe' of the album....and of course it would take the focus off harvest.
Alright, now I'm curious more than ever! Can't wait to get back home to my computer so I can download these songs already!

Damn, judging from the reactions here, these songs MUST be good...but, maybe I will be dissapointed, who knows! I must find out's killing me not being able to hear them....just...yet.
I'm loving these songs more and more. They've got soul and the accoustic guitar couldn't be more uncommon. The bad thing is... I don't like Opeth's other mellow songs so much anymore. :)
I'm glad most of you seem to like these 2 songs.
The production for these was way different than our previous recordings as these we're recorded at my and Jonas Renkse's home. I had a glove over the mic to prevent spitting and "puff" sounds. It all wasn't really professional but I do love the result.

I have only heard the unmastered version as we don't have our own copies of the special edition yet.
There's a intimacy in these songs that I've never achieved before, and I do believe it's because of the simplistic way it all was recorded.

Musically I reckon they're both pretty "ripped" from a Nick Drake mood I was in at the time, but I think the vocal lines/harmonies came out pretty good, and the guitars too regarding that they were recorded in one take.

Well, back to work
Thanks Mike for sharing, As I stated earlier, I too felt such an intimate vibe listening to these two songs. I can see the maturation in your song writing, and its for the better!. Beautiful music my friend, I cant wait for the new album...You are still the only musician that can get my eyes watery listening to their music..and thnaks once again ;)
Nice to see Mikael here!

It's nice to see that someone else but me listens to Nick Drake...He was one of a kind!

I like your new singing...your constantly improving and singing is getting better and better!

Wonderful songs!!!