Still Day Beneath The Sun and Patterns and Ivy 2 disscussion thread

I just got my reissue disc last night, and, while they were a bit different, they were both beautiful and brilliant.

I don't know if I ever would have gotten into Opeth if not for their mellow work (I didn't like death metal at all before Opeth), and I'm still quite fond of their softer side.

If the mellow album sounds like this, I'll be a happy camper.
still day is bloody amazing! i haven't had a chance to hear patterns II yet, but i too hope for the mellow album to sound like this.
Its a quality song , i like it better then harvest already , and i only listened like 5 times. It has a very kool "raw" feel. The singing has alot of emotion to it. Good stuff , now i have to find patterns 2...
Yes I can't wait for the new album to be released. Do you think the mellow disc will be completely like Still day? I think I heard somewhere that Mike said it will be really psychadellic and tripped out also. And you think the other disc will be really dark?

Hope so :D:D
Originally posted by Oyo
I don't think this has much context to the thread.

But my absolute favorite Opeth part is the beginning of The Moor before it gets heavy're damn right that is irrelevant. So very out of place.
Still Day is excellent. Fits right in with my recent 'Pink Moon' late night listening sessions. I enjoy the lo-fi production on it, will have to let Jonas know what a good job he did... sounds extreme pro yet intimate.

And the confidence in Mikes clean vocals have reached new levels. Extremely looking foward to the mellow CD.. rock.
Still Day is a beautiful song. I dled it not long ago from Audiogalaxy, and I think it's obvious Opeth never fails to please. Mike's vocals are a bit different though great as always. They're so damn brilliant.

Patterns in the Ivy II I need to hear, though haven't been able to yet. These two new albums are the ones on top of my list to look forward to by far. Opeth, continue to compose the beautiful music you have been doing fo quite some time. Ha, I'll be a fan of these guys my whole life.

Keep up the great work, and all stay metal.

Originally posted by Mikael Åkerfeldt
I'm glad most of you seem to like these 2 songs.
The production for these was way different than our previous recordings as these we're recorded at my and Jonas Renkse's home. I had a glove over the mic to prevent spitting and "puff" sounds. It all wasn't really professional but I do love the result.

I have only heard the unmastered version as we don't have our own copies of the special edition yet.
There's a intimacy in these songs that I've never achieved before, and I do believe it's because of the simplistic way it all was recorded.

Musically I reckon they're both pretty "ripped" from a Nick Drake mood I was in at the time, but I think the vocal lines/harmonies came out pretty good, and the guitars too regarding that they were recorded in one take.

Well, back to work

so is the new album (s) going to be anything like these songs? or are thesse songs just a kind of "experimental" thing. If the new album's are going to be like this, is only the 'mellow' going to follow this direction or will the 'normal' album have touches of still day and patterns II? Either way, i can't wait to get my hands on the new discs.
The new songs are awesome. I just got them from a fellow board member. I can see how everyone thinks that this is a new style by mike. It really is like a new style. I mean it is different than harvest. Harvest has bass and drums and chords on the guitar to go with the vocals rather than patterns 2 and still day having the finger picking on just 2 guitars. So his voice is going to stand out, and he does a damn good job of standing out. His way of pouring out his words into a rythem and style is briliant. 3 cheers for mikael!
I totally agree with what Jesse said. I really like the intimate feeling of both songs. And again Jesse is right when he points out Mikael's confidence with his clean vocals. If you can't see it just listen to any clean vocals from Orchid, Morningrise or MAYH and compare them with Harvest, Still Day... or Patterns 2 and you'll see.

"I gotta have more cowbell, baby!"
I dont have any of those programs to dl music. Just Audiognome. Is there anyone out there who can hook me up with the songs? Also, how did some of you already order the CD? I havent found it on the web.