Originally posted by Mezarkabul
My point sounds pointless? Does it sound as pointless as yours when you post totally irrelevant shit in this thread which absolutely has nothing to do with answering my question? If it's too late for you and you have too many things in your head, how about you get off and do some thinking instead of asking people stupid questions? Message boards aren't places to solve your personal problems.
Whether Mikael did any research or not does not matter. He must have had a certain time in his mind when he was putting the lyrics together. Even imaginary stories have a certain timeframe behind them. But I see it's 2 a.m. and everything sounds pointless to you. Then you ask not to argue any further. If you hadn't asked the stupid question you asked insinuating that I said the story on the album did in fact really occur, then we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.
Everything, as fictional as it may be, has a certain time behind it. Even Lords of the Rings or Star Wars. They didn't really occur either, but we all basically know when they fictionally happened.