Luke Wrote:
>For someone who has spent the majority of this thread going >on about political tools, it surprises me that you would suggest >we use the olympics for leverage against China.
Are you suggesting we have a better and more humane poltical tool to use as leverage? If so, what do you propose? Yes, I have gone on about religion being a political tool, but that is not to say that I think all political tools are inherently bad. This was your assumption, not mine, nice try at putting words in my mouth though. When a tool is used to end the suffering of the innocent it is a good thing, of course.
>Aren't the olympics supposed to transcend political boundaries?
Yes, that is if people actually WANT the political boundaries to be trancended, and in the case of china I would bet that most canadians do not. Not if it means compromising our values by associating with fucking evil savages. I feel most people generally have too much self respect for that. I feel the china gov't is UNWORTHY such an honour of hosting the olympics.
>Yes, I do dare to compare Canada with China. You haven't said >anything to refute the examples I made showing the common >denominator of the two countries.
There is nothing to refute/deny about the examples you provided, it's just entirely out of context and I felt it was simply too weak to reply to, but I will now: Comparing china to canada is a lot like comparing dynamite to bbq coals. Its outlandish. News flash: it's 2001. Canada has acknowledged it's wrong doing and even more importantly, canada most likely will not repeat it's mistakes. Canada is even making half-ass attempts to make up for the damage it has done. Can you say the same of China? No, you certainly cannot. Therefore your comparison, while historically accurate, does not reflect the CURRENT situation. China = Canada? Come on man, do you honestly expect anyone to buy that nonsense? You're grasping at straws.
>Canadian's are so obstinantly stubborn in thinking that their >country is the best in the world.
hahahhaha, now that's a good one, canadians stubborn in thinking they are the best? I don't know what canadians you've been hanging out with, but most canadians and the rest of the world views canada as very humble about their beloved nation. If anything, canada is one of the most passive about national pride and such, "too passive" if you ask most people. I've heard this countless times, mostly from americans. This statement is very silly and doesn't apply to very many canadians, at least none that I've met, and I feel most non-canadians would agree with me on that. Canadians have not and have never been known for their national pride. I'm quite honestly shocked that you didn't know that, I thought everyone did. Oh well, live and learn.
>A little introspection soon shows that we have a floundering >economy, serious environmental issues, and a not so spotless >track record with our natives.
Indeed. When was the last time our gov't tortured someone to death for speaking their mind? When was the last time we invaded another country and killed everything in sight (raping women, torturing everyone, forcing children to shoot their own parents)? Are we abusive to our own citizens? Do we limit freedom of expression, religion, political alliance, etc? Again, I still feel that comparing Canada to China is completely ridiculous. We are living in the here and now. Now is what's most important, the past is important as well, but not anywhere near as important as NOW. Again.. you're grasping at straws.
>So, while perhaps to a lesser extent, Canada is guilty of the >same offences for which you would deny China the olympics.
Who isn't guilty of such offences (as you say to a lesser extent) if you go far back enough in time? Those damn apes were savages too. We are talking about right NOW. There are people suffering right NOW and giving them the olympics is giving them the fuel they need (money = power) to continue the atrocities and crimes against humanity.
>Lina is right, in that 'cutting China off' would be detrimental.
So your solution: Let's give them more money/power. Oh yes, that'll surely fix their goat (give me a break). Rewarding a gov't for their misdeeds (ie. olympics) will do nothing to deter them (and detering them should be the prime objective, the ONLY objective, doing nothing shouldn't eve be an option, we are obligated to do everything we can to end the suffering ). People are being tortured/killed. Enough is enough. Perhaps if you were the one being totured you'll feel differently. Perhaps if you were Tibetan and had your life and future completely destroyed you wouldn't be saying "hey, let's give china the olympics, that sounds like a good idea".
>As I said before, this is a good opportunity for a lot of people to >have a real experience of China. It perhaps will elminate some >western misconceptions, and bring new awareness to a large >number of people.
At what price? As long as it isn't YOUR blood being spilled or YOUR life/future/family/culture being destroyed then I guess it's ok.
People are already more aware of china than they'd like to be. The world is disgusted with them.
>And while being an opportunity for the Chinese government
>to make a few yuan, it is also a forum to allow large amounts of >currency to go directly into the hands of the people. Can you >tell me that is a bad thing?
Ok, let me get this straight. You actually believe that the coin that the gov't makes from the olympics will "go directly into the hands of the people"? hahah, come on, you can't be serious. You can't honestly tell me you believe this will happen. The money will increase the power of China to inflict evil on it's own people and the rest of the world. Your faith in their conscience and motives in completely unjustified. The idea that wealth invokes compassion is just too ridiculous for comment. If anything, it has the opposite effect.
In your reply, try to keep the conjecture to a minimum please cuz this is just getting silly now, thanks,