Stoner Rock/Metal Thread

Went to The Roxy last night in Hollywood and saw Kadavar. Holy fucking shit, their live performance was extremely tight and sounded awesome.

Krow, if youre still on the fence about em, if they come to your area see em live, it will make you a believer. Bad fucking ass. Ill see if I can post oneof my videos later.
Figured I'd check these guys out, Saturnalia Temple, since I may go to a show they re playing. Not bad.

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Old Toby song titles. What you do guys think?

1) Under the Sign of the Southern Star
2) Hornblower's Gift
3) The Wizard's Vice
4) Barly from the Northfarthing
5) Hey, Ho to the Bottle I Go (Tolkien cover)
6) The Green Dragon (Tolkien cover)
7) Seeds of Yavanna

"Under the Sign of the Southern Star" is a combo song title of Bathory and Black Sabbath: "Under the Sign of the Black Mar" and "Sign of the Southern Cross" respectively. Love it.
I'm..... home :Smokedev:


The Sword, Kyuss, Witch, Orange Goblin, Sleep, Trouble, Electric Wizard, Clutch, I can second as being awesome. And obviously Black Sabbath.

Eternal Tapestry, Ancestors, Eternal Elysium, Wo Fat, Om, Testa and the Jewish Princesses, P205, and Fertility Cult were all pretty sweet, definitely gonna check out more. And recommend other readers do the same.

But holy shit... Kalas was fuckin awesome, can't believe I've never heard of them! Love that dude's voice. It reminds me of this band Evergrey, only doomy. Bad fuckin ass.

Addin to the list, didn't see these guys mentioned:

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So I've been listening to mind control a lot lately and I'm fairly sure I underestimated it quite a bit way better than I remembered it.
Yeah man. You bagged hard on that album when it first came out.

I like it. Its no fuckin Blood Lust or anything, but its still pretty solid. Took sometime to grow on me as well.
I just came across Gates of Slumber the other day and I've been digging the ice worm tracks so far, great feel
Yeah man. You bagged hard on that album when it first came out.

I like it. Its no fuckin Blood Lust or anything, but its still pretty solid. Took sometime to grow on me as well.

I guess it was the same way with Blood Lust, now that I think about it. Listen to it and be unimpressed, then think ahhh maybe I should listen to it again, then have some of the lyrics stuck in my head... Then realize I want to listen to it. I really think ol Uncle has the opportunity to become the new electric wizard if they keep at it (not that the wiz is dead)

I would really like to see a reissue of their first, rare as fuck album Vol 1.
Thought this might get some appreciation here, if you dig the whole southern aspect of Stoner rock/metal a lot... it's borderline country, and I'm one of those 'hate most country' types but this is just dark as fuck. Fantastic shit. Glad I came across them today.

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