Stoner Rock/Metal Thread

Jess & The Ancient Ones rock man. It takes a lot for me to get into Stoner MEtal with female vocals, and that one is one of the best Ive heard, alongside with.

Witch Mountain I never could get into. The vocals kill it for me.

Love Cathedral. Pretty bummed their are breaking up, but stoked as fuck I got to see em live.
Hey torche fans, have you checked out ASG yet? Their full length is coming out on relapse very soon. I can't imagine liking Torche and/or Queens of the Stone Age and not liking ASG.

Oh and new QotSA next month too. Will try to post links but my phone doesn't like to.

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The timing is definitely right. Blood Drive comes out at the end of the month. O actually just preordered some ridiculous double splatter version of the vinyl at relapse. I've been blowing so much money lately. :lol:
This band played with Ghost, which was the only reason I considered going to the show (but didn't). They are pretty awesome psychedelic/stoner rock, and again they are female fronted. I always find female fronted bands, but they are just easiest to find!

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I have yet to actually look through this thread. I don't have much stoner rock/metal, but I do love Orange Goblin and Graveyard. I've got some research to do.
Just saying, graveyard isn't really stoner anything. It's retro hard rock/heavy metal. We just talk about them and bands like them here because there's no where else.
Just saying, graveyard isn't really stoner anything. It's retro hard rock/heavy metal. We just talk about them and bands like them here because there's no where else.

Yeah, I pretty much figured that. I just didn't know what to really group them into. I don't like saying they're just rock, because I don't want to lump them into the shit that is today's rock music. I usually describe them to people as "a modern rock band with a classic bluesy-rock sound".
On Wed, I purchased Monnos by Conan. This album is kicking my ass. I am quite amazed by the production: it has the perfect doom guitar sound and bass and snare sounds, IMO.

I had heard of this band before, but for some reason have never checked them out. With a name like Conan, I'm surprised it took me this long. :kickass:

Also listening to:
Trouble - Psalm 9
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath Ultimate Edition
^ That was really awesome! Thanks for sharing.

More 70s psychedelic-ness, as i been on a 70s trip these days. Any funky or groovy recommendations I'll totally take.

This guy is like the Japanese Jimi Hendrix.

Edit: Listened to that Spiritual Beggars song and it's not bad I really like the funky jam out parts around 3mins in to 3:49, but the vocals in the beginning kind of remind me of Soundgarden and it's sorta turning me off from it a bit.
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Been blasting these guys a lot lately.


Love the Saxophone. Badass.
hi guys here some new stoner band from croatia , hope you like it.
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