Stoner Rock/Metal Thread

The new Sleep song is great.

On another note relevant to this thread, I saw Church of Misery last night at London Underworld and it was one of the best stoner gigs I've ever been to. Such a small, intimate venue and I fist pumped the band members so many times.
Just listened to the new Wo Fat.

Gotta say im a bit disappointed. Definitely has some good riffs, but is not a full on riff fest like The Black Code or other previous works. The songs took their time to build, but not to anything of substance I was expecting. Its good, but nothing special.

Ill definitely give it a few more spins and see if my opinion stays.
Anyone heard the new Earth? Ive been holding off listening to the new album because im seeing them in a few days and want to be surprised with the new material.
Personally, I loved it. It's a little more "rock based" (or more 'conventional' songwriting than what we're use to hearing from Earth I guess) and it's no longer fully instrumental as it has some vocals on there after what… 20 years? :lol: The slowness is still there, though. It's honestly a really good album, i don't think you'd be disappointed.
So, yeah. Earth fucking destroyed last week.

They played the majority of new material and songs off The Bees Made Honey In The Lions Skull. Definitely going to have to check into that album now. Couldnt have been happier with their set. The venue was a joke though. No windows and no A/C. Scored a pretty sweet tour poster. Ill post a pic later.
Anyone listen to the new Wiz album yet?

Im about 3/4ths through and Im bored. Not surprised I suppose because I havnt really dug anything theyve done since Dopethrone...Its okay, but nothing special...
Yeah agreed Kaf... its alright, I'll jam it again sometime, but zero innovation.

Their brothers Orange Goblin have a new one soon too I guess, think they'll be taking the crown this year for almost-mainstream stoner giants.
Even though you cant fully class them in this thread, Im giving that title to Earth. Their new album is fucking outstanding.

Havnt really listened to Orange Goblins new stuff either. There was a song or two I liked off Healing Through Fire, but its all about Time Travelling Blues and The Big Black. How is Eulogy For The Damned?
Oh yeahhh, I totally forgot about that. Heard about it, meant to listen and haven't yet... Will soon and pass judgment.

Only track I've heard off that one was Red Tide Rising, which was pretty good but apparently didn't make that great an impression haha. Time Traveling Blues for sure. But they did release a track from the new one that's just motorcycle as fuck, I can dig it if they have the bluesy bits still here and there


Just found about these guys, referred to me from a friend. Listened to this album. Parts of it I really liked, and others not so much. Still worth a listen, imo.
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So stoked for this festival.

Headliners not on this photo are Sleep, Pentagram and Cult of Luna.

^Jealous, I love a lot of those bands and at least dig most others. You people are so spoiled with excellent shows in that state.
Bedemon, Conan, Pallbearer, Eyehategod, and Acid Witch? Goddamn.

Anyone like Graviators? Picked up their latest for real cheap. Havent even got to spin it yet.
Spinning that Graviators album as i type. Wasnt sold at first but im digging it.

Its got more of a traditional doom metal swing to it than most bands in the genre.

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