story game

"Besides, rahv, this chap said he would be of service." So the figure introduced himself as "Kovenant, once a long-eared dog but now (well, until a few seconds ago) nothing more than a solitary man trapped in that stupid river".

Siren immediately started yapping something about the holy aluminium plate and demanding help from Kovenant (interrupting herself every now and then with small curses about not being able to swim), so...
master rahv brought everyone back to order by smashing two watermelons together. Then he asked "Does anyone knows where that freakin' plate is?" And Kovenant carefully answered "Right here, in my hand." "Oh, Ok, that settles it then. Alright let's go do something else now." calmly said rahvin. So, mardy, confused yet happy (as usual), started to propose another adventure to find him a new wombat but Siren interrupted him, saying :
"Aren't you forgetting something? I need a new skinny body! And this time I want a marlin tail!"

So mardy took the plate, fooled around with it a few minutes and finally asked: "So, how do you make this thing work?"
"D'uh! We came all this way and i died, and all so you can take a look at the plate, say "i don't know how to use it" and go on another of your insane little adventures? No, i'm having my wish." Then, looking at the plate, she said in a powerful (well, kind of) voice: "Oh, holiest of all plates, great aluminium plate, i wish upon thee a humble wish tonight, which is that i may come back to life!" All the while the rest of them looked at her with :err: expressions.

Then, to all's amazement...
Undo snatched the plate from Kov's hands, exclaiming "nifty!", and wished for a new spaceship and a Mars-like planet all for himself. Then it was Rampage's turn, but as he was about to wish for something mardy grabbed the plate and started using it as a frisbee, so rahvin...
totally started to vomit all over Siren. Siren was dissappointed at first, but then everyone noticed she was really enjoying herself. "Nay but be twas for the shore enlightend mine stone that brungith with the sand but a hint of hyprocracy" said Nick. Everybody understood exactly what that meant.

Nitronium Blood then wept and his tears...
Nitronium Blood then wept and his tears...
...crystallized into glassy drops of ice, which mardy tripped over, accidentally throwing the plate. Rampage caught it and began to make a wish, but Siren hugged his arm and cuddled close to him, blinking lovingly at him as though expecting him to wish for an eternity together or something of the sort. So Rampy...
got very confused and decided to throw the plate at rhavin, who then threw it to Dark Jester, who then threw it to Yoda, who then threw it to QRV, who then poured some pistachio milkshake over it to see i it really got extra-delicious. He passed it to Undies so he could taste it and...
upon the first bite realised the master plan for getting back home. "Qrv, get me some sand, Nitro's glass tears and saliva from Undo" said Nick. Qrv rushed to each individual, collected the respective samples and handed it to Nick. Nick then mixed them, put them on the frisbee plate and started praying to the Gods Of Clayman.

All of the sudden the clouds shifted and...
...they were all back on Earth. But they appeared to be stranded on an island with no civilization.

While they all thought of a way out, Undo promised them to invite them to a seven-day-long party in his new planet (the one he had wished for) whenever they got out of that island and found his ship.

But just then the sky cracked and lightning struck, and out of the blue came plintus, who was the evil (well, not evil, just wildly sarcastic) arch-enemy of all and secretly the gay sex-mate of all who were present there (except Siren, who was a girl and thus couldn't be plintus's sex-mate; Nitro, who most of the time was too busy inhaling stuff to pay any attention to plintus; QRV, who was in fact a walking milkshake can; and Undo, who wouldn't cheat on his girl but had promised plintus a night or two (or three, or four...) if he ever broke up with his girl). plintus began screaming wildly because...
..of all places he ended up in the only one where there was noone suitable to have sex with. So he screamed and screamed and screamed and started running around in gay manner, when..