Strange Question

everyone except 1

off the top of my head that means like 7-9 persons that are into metal that i talk to/hang out with regularly so let's say 90% for a percentage

the one guy that isn't into metal is one of my oldest friends; he actually likes the random metal song and can kinda-sorta identify different metal styles and doesn't hate it but yeah he's definitely not "into" metal
I only have one friend who fits that criteria, but even he only really listens to the more mainstream metal bands. Apart from that, I have a few other friends who probably would come along to shows and stuff, but they aren't really into metal, more rock/alternative stuff, with a bit of (again, very mainstream) metal thrown in.

Quite a few of my older friends used to listen to metal when we were younger, but they've totally moved away from it now. Apart from that, the majority just have no interest in metal whatsoever.

The rest enjoy the odd metal song/session, especially after drinking, but are into classic rock except for 1. She likes country.... we don't listen to music in the same area as each other :p

Thats not including maren or any of the other euros I've made friends with so far.
besides you guys here ... 2 others

everyone else "maybe" knows a Metallica track or two
Well I know a bunch of guys who go to shows with me but they're not (yet) close friends although I do see them on a quite regular basis. Webzine mates for the most part..

I have to go with 0%.I might have to count Ellestin now tbh, considering he's just moved to Paris... 7.98% then :D
out of my several closest friends, 0%
out of all my friends in general, four or like, 8% maybe? i'm including people i rarely even see here though
I just got Amy into Dark Tranquillity and Isis, and she already liked Fear Factory, Sepultura and a few other bands. My mate Jack likes his metal, and there are maybe three other people I hang out with who like some metal, none of whom really listen to anything particularly underground or extreme.