Nice one Joe! I had to punch a drunk in ur country too, wacky fucks
The first drunk kid we met was across the street from the mad hatter bar, he was just leanin on a fence and alex and i were trying to keep him from passing out and hitting his head on the sidewalk lol cuz he was nice to us atleast. we took him across the street to a bench and the minute we help him over into the street he barfs all over my leg and just like blacks out ontop of me and he must have weighed just as much as me probably around 175 lbs lol and thats still heavy even for me cuz its not like i was bench pressing him at the time lol shit we just dragged him to the bench, left him there, got out ofthe bar 3 hours later, he woke up and we ended up taking the metro togetherexplaining every that happened cuz he forgot.
It was the oddest thing ever.
A long haired guy called me a lesbian because I have long hair
Me and my girlfriend were sittin inside Mc Donalds as someone started calling me a lesbian,so I over to him(he sat there with like 7 friends, playing the pimp) and he said: Come on,let's go outside and fight.
I just said' fuck you I want to eat my Cheeseburger 'and got back to my seat. When he was about to go he came to me and said : you're gay but if you shake my hand everything's alright, okay?
i met him again when we were sober and i think he remembered me..his stupid expression his face let me know.. i had to laugh so hard
wasnt scary but strange