Stride Finds a singer!!


Ion Drive
Apr 7, 2005
Houston, TX
Well: after long and careful consideration, we have found the voice of Stride. The guy has been around and has experience. His name is Gary Belin....

Haahaa. Yep thats right. We all sat down and discussed many issues and hammered out all details to make it possible for Gary to stay in the band....

We are happy to announce this great news!
I don't know man... I'm skeptical about this Gary dude... it's going to be real tough to fill the shoes of the previous guy who left a little while ago. That guy was awesome! :D :loco: :lol:
So glad to hear you guys worked shit out. It's always shitty to hear a band has to part ways with members. Good for you to take the high road and get something worked out. You guys kicked ass at PP, so keep up the exellent work.
WOOOOHOOOOOOO, that is the most awesome news to date. It is great you guys worked things out. Can't wait to hear and see you guys sometime in the near future somewhere in Texas, EL PASO maybe, if we can swing it.
metropolisimages said:
Thanks so much for all the props. Gary is an amazing singer and it would have been near impossible to replace what we had with him. Thanks for all the support..... Mike

AWESOME news! Glad you guys worked stuff out...
How about Stride-o-war? :heh:

BenMech said:
Great news, but Gary's still the weakest link in the band.

I'd take a "weak link" like that into my band ANY day of the week!:headbang:
He's got a GREAT voice, what don't you like about it? He doesn't do coooookie? :Smug:

J-Dubya - Some people never cease to amaze me......