Strip Bars

Strpi Bars

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nnnneeeevver been to a strip club. i dont understand the appeal. someone is always getting gunned down at the ones here. haha everytime i drive by, metro police are in the parking lot
I've never really felt the desire to go to a strip bar.

To borrow an image from Tim Allen: It's like going to a restaurant where you can't eat the food. It's like paying money to put a huge well prepared Grade A tenderloin steak on a plate in front of you, but you're not allowed to eat it. Wanna touch it? That's $10. Want it to touch you? $15. Can you taste it? No, that's against the rules, they'll kick you out, and if you eat it you'll go to jail.
Conspicuously Absent said:
M00se states it pretty accurately. Whats the fun in looking at something you can't touch?

you obviously have not been at certain NYC type of strip joints ;)
J. said:
all of them are skanks with probably five STDs.

That's not exactly true. They are not prostitutes after all, but they make just as much money, if not more. Some of them are skanks, but many are cool girls making lots of money so they can afford to do other things with their lives.

You can get lots of chicks at strip clubs (not stippers)

That's not true either. :tickled:
Conspicuously Absent said:
Ok... lemme rephrase... Look, but can't touch without paying money... and you can't take it home with you, etc.

so wait ... have you slept with a girl before that you did not "spend" some money on? :loco:
I've spent a lot of money on my girl over the years, but she's easily spent as much on me, so it's all good! She's also the most amazing person ever, so that kinda works out well I guess.

I've never been to a strip club. Even when I went to Montreal, Québec, which is an infamous hive of scum and villany!
Conspicuously Absent said:
yes. :p

But thats a totally different situation. And can hardly be compared, and you know what the fuck I mean. :p

you know what I mean too ... :loco:

but there are those dates you go on for a few times ... blow money on the chick ... you get some action ... and end up splitting in a few weeks.

technically going with some "paid lady of the night" is just skipping through all the BS ... not that I have been with any ... really ... ohh rly :grin:
haha. Spending money on a girlfriend IS very different from spending it on a stripper, or just some random bint whose pants you want in.

haha, i'm not really that keen on the random action though, it's just not my style. sooo.... I'm good, i'll keep my money for other things.
:lol: ... you've been to NY ... but not to the boroughs ... shit like that matters here

there is some underlying preference for people of specific nationalities here.

there is another strip club, that has pretty much all Hungarian birds ... and there are always those stray puerto ricans :loco:
lurch70 said:
so wait ... have you slept with a girl before that you did not "spend" some money on? :loco:

mostly yes...but I'm a skint/tight bastard
I used to be happy for girls to buy me pints all night then give them free board for a night in a black room with a red light serenaded by the wistful tones of ggfh
