Strip Bars

Strpi Bars

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portland has the highest number of strip clubs per capita in the entire US

never been to a strip club, don't find the concept appealing at all...i wouldn't say they're "filthy" or pass judgment on anyone for going, but i have better things to spend my money on
the other day i realized that "bloooood of a raaaaven" is a line in every agalloch song
I dont even recall this Italian bint.

Only strippers I recall are a fine af Brazlian and a black bint. Suckled on the Brazlian, "fucked the nubian." Legit pissed away 1500 on the latter in '09. Couldnt finish, just not the proper setting. Guard would pop in every few minutes, and we used a jimmy. I called it quits because I knew it would take 3k to jizz. Darkie was a sweetheart. Was in a dark place at the time, so the "relation" was worth the coin.