Strongest Swearwords In Your Language.

GhostOfPerdition said:
Nothing is more vile than screaming FUCK! or CUNT! in combination with something vile like "Rotting Cunt" or something. Especially if you're talking to a nun or something.
Your evul! Can I tuch yu?
GhostOfPerdition said:
In Quebec isn't it considered offensive to make reference to the church's 'tabernacle' or something like that?

Yep and I'm always about to say shit like that... Je m'en tabarnak means 'I don't give a fuck' in Quebec. And for people who speak well the french in Quebec or (people in France) we say 'je m'en fou'.

That's some of our fucked up swearwords of church and we change the original names haha:

Tabarnak (Tabernacle)
Sacramant (Sacrement)
Criss (Christ)
Caliss (Calice)
Estie (Hostie)
Sibouère (Siboire) etc... :Spin: We cannot say that in a church..God will burn us.:hotjump: