Strongest Swearwords In Your Language.

Lanterns said:
Hal déng domm Maul Profanity (a géi käip déng komesch Holzpopp, en Orgasmus verbraucht bekanntléch Kalorien).:)

well, actually i kind of understood it. what a lovely language. :tickled:
A rohadt kurva isten basszon szájba azzal a túrós faszával!

^Something like: May the rotten whore god fuck you in the mouth with it's creamy cock!

The possibilities are endless, and we especially like to swear with God.
_Zsuzsa_ said:
A rohadt kurva isten basszon szájba azzal a túrós faszával!

^Something like: May the rotten whore god fuck you in the mouth with it's creamy cock!

The possibilities are endless, and we especially like to swear with God.

So really what you're saying is that it's a form of satanism.
_Zsuzsa_ said:
A rohadt kurva isten basszon szájba azzal a túrós faszával!

^Something like: May the rotten whore god fuck you in the mouth with it's creamy cock!

The possibilities are endless, and we especially like to swear with God.

I now forgive your country for ABBA. Oh and killing Cliff Burton.
I find Northern accents extremely dumb (Brummie, Scot's, Mancunian, Liverpudlian e.t.c) I endevour to speak proper English and constantly get called "posh" for doing so.
@Turbo: Zsuzsa is actually a Hungarian dudette living in Finland. (And I take it the "Helsinki, Sweden" thingy is some kind of joke about people mixing up the nordic countries.) And yeah, Cliff and the albums he played on rule.
@Missery: Jo gell, Lëtzebuergesch as eng schéi Sprooch -besonnesch wann ët drëms geet, schwéiergewiichtég englesch Spammeren ze "pwnen", hihi.
Peti, I was just guessing. Since 1. she lives in Helsinki and seems like an intelligent person and 2. I've often heard people confusing nordic places ("Helsinki, Sweden" or "Oslo, Finland" or "Stockholm, Norway"...), the "joke" conclusion was the closest...okay?