Studio Log Part 1: Intro, Quick tour


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Hey guys!

I have been editing filmed material all day and I finally have quite a bunch of stuff to put up on YouTube. This is the first part of a series of videos and it's there to mainly catch your attention. Things will get pretty crazy later on in the videos, I guarantee you that. This is basically a journey from the beginning to the end of making an album single-handedly and I dare betting that everyone has something they'll find interesting in that journey so subscribe and get updated the instant a new part is up!

Thank you for your support.
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Nice man! You're a funny guy - that makes the video great to watch!! Also, your voice sounds NOTHING like I had imagined. :lol:

PS - you get major brownie points from me for playing 'Bleed' ;) You're a very good drummer man!
Nice man! You're a funny guy - that makes the video great to watch!! Also, your voice sounds NOTHING like I had imagined. :lol:

PS - you get major brownie points from me for playing 'Bleed' ;) You're a very good drummer man!

+1 I wasn't expecting to hear Bleed :D Good video man, I just subscribed and added you man :kickass:
Also, for the drum sound on the sample you've posted here, are the drums natural drum sounds, or have you replaced the drum sounds for samples you've made?
Dude! You just played Laments of an Icarus flawless, i've been struggling for ages combining the ride part + the kicks but it always fucks me up somehow, i always think the wearing drum-handgloves looks a little gay, but if it works out for you :) (Just being a drummer elitist who's messing around :p) Sick playing and very cool vid