Studio Log Part 5: Tracking guitars, whining about intonation problems and HAND SWEAT


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Hey dudes!

Just a quick little update again :) Part 5 is up and it's some clips from the guitar tracking and me whining about some stuff... and a nice BSOD in windows. There's not much info about the actual recording in this part because I was saving that for later when I get into the mixing phase. I'm planning to do a "walkthrough" for each track before the mixing phase and there I will talk about each instrument, how it was recorded and what general type of processing I'm aiming at and why I do it.

Anyway, we'll get there sooner or later. Until then, enjoy part 5 and subscribe if you're a newcomer! :)

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Saw this today actually. Erkan, definitely wanna buy your album. Sounds like my kind of thing. Awesome production too. I was kind of hoping you'd go into details on your tone and such. It sounds phat.
Nice sound and nice video! I like the songs very much... one question. What's your tuning and which elixir strings were u using? For baritone?

tnx & keep 'em coming! :)
Dude, my younger brother and I are both prone to severe hand sweat...which fucking sucks for recording guitar. I usually have to change strings every one or two songs if I want my stuff to be extra crisp.

In other words. I feel your pain.

However, you should be extra proud of what you have done here. This stuff sounds great and it's especially impressive that you have done it all on your own. Speaking as someone who plays both guitar and drums, I can't stress that enough, seriously good work dude.
Over the weekend we had a band in that had obviously never heard of intonation. One had a Telecaster so that was easy enough to sort out, but the other had a left-handed ESP Eclipse with a fucking original model Floyd. Every one of the saddles was fully forward, not even ballpark positioned. The intonation was so fucked the fretted note at the 12th was nearly a semitone out. Took me nearly a fucking hour to get it right...

Having said that, when I went to set up the bass (Mex Fender Jazz), the bridge was so covered in years of crud most of the grub screws were rusted solid. o_0

So yeah, I feel your pain...
Man... none of this would have been possible without this forum so big thanks to Andy Sneap and everyone hanging around here. Now to reply to some stuff:

Saw this today actually. Erkan, definitely wanna buy your album. Sounds like my kind of thing. Awesome production too. I was kind of hoping you'd go into details on your tone and such. It sounds phat.

Thanks Drew, makes me glad to hear! Yeah will do, definately. Gonna go through all the tracks in one of the songs and just take the viewer through what's going on and stuff.

Nice sound and nice video! I like the songs very much... one question. What's your tuning and which elixir strings were u using? For baritone?

tnx & keep 'em coming! :)

Thanks! My tuning is A#sus4 so it's (from low to high) A# F A# F A# D#. It's similar to what Devin Townsend is using (I got the idea from him and he got the idea from Led Zeppelin so...) :) It's a really cool tuning that allows for some creativity but I'm thinking about going back to a normal low tuning after this project. We'll see.

Hey dude..sounds awesome..what tuning are you using??

As written above, A#sus4 :)

Was that a Profire 2626? No wonder you got a BSOD. Ugh

Mmm yup... the damn Profire 2626. This was the first time I got it while working in Reaper, which sucked major balls. I usually get the BSOD while doing other stuff on the computer. Luckily I save quite often when I change stuff but sometimes I do actually forget to save, like when I do editing for example. I can get carried away and just edit and edit without saving but I have set Reaper to auto save every 5 minutes. Fucking BSOD.
...but the other had a left-handed ESP Eclipse with a fucking original model Floyd. Every one of the saddles was fully forward, not even ballpark positioned. The intonation was so fucked the fretted note at the 12th was nearly a semitone out. Took me nearly a fucking hour to get it right...

lolllllllll so glad I'm anti-floyd, fuck dealing with that absolute nonsense.
Dude you have almost no accent - that's kind of badass!

Uh, you're being sarcastic right? I do have some weird accent which I'm not even sure of where it's from myself :) But thanks anyway!

this is really awesome! what amp/mic did you use? and double oder quad tracked?

really cool shit man!

Thanks man! It's all software amp sims so there's no mic involved (well ok, an impulse is inolved of course). I'm using WarpVST with the (too) famous s-preshigh :) Took a LOT of tweaking to get WarpVST to sound less like an ass but now it works. I'll go into this later in the videos when we get to the mixing phase.

Edit: Oh and yea, only double track. Sometimes there are more layers but still only double track per layer. By layer I mean playing something different just to add on top, I don't play the exact same riff or else it would be quad tracking.