Studio Monitors - Yes or No?

I guess. But, you can do whatever you want. You've basically used passive-aggressive name-dropping in all your replies. With your mentors, with who and where you've worked. Touting yourself off as "being somebody", without filling in the details that would let me/us judge that for ourselves. I was interested to hear what you've done and with who and where, but honestly i'm not going to "debate" it anymore. At this point, i'm saying prove yourself, or stfu about it.

...i suppose you are right.
Tim and John's conversation =

+1 for the Failie awards
i understand the sense of territorialism and the lack of respect for new member's potentially asinine questions.

and maybe if they were resourceful enough, these new members would use search engines to acquire their knowledge.

but flooding new threads with egregious responses to questions that can just be ignored can be very confusing as to the intention of your professional manner.

There is no territorialism nor lack of respect for new members. It has nothing to do with new members. The issue is with people making assertions that are perceived as wrong by the majority here, yet not bothering to even elucidate, or provide any factual basis for stating such a thing as fact, beyond some throw-away personal anecdotes that are dubious at best.

The whole quasi-argument that's developed here is the result of a misconception... or maybe an undying desire to debate asinine issues?

You don't have to watch your footing here and constantly apologize in advance for offense someone may or may not take to your point. What it ultimately does is obscure your true meaning in too many words that say nothing. If someone takes issue with your post, tell them to go fuck themselves. This is a metal forum. Our idea of professionalism usually includes directness, which goes hand in hand with a lack of pussy-footing around others' feelings. We are not dealing with divas that need their precious egos protected, nor senior resident "million dollar" engineers that to have their superiority complex fed.

I take Ethan Winer's perspective on this. Acoustic treatment is possibly the single most vital thing to any monitoring environment. Any suggesting otherwise, regardless of their seniority, or the amount of quadruplefied triplatinum records they've sold are just plain wrong. And it's okay to believe as such. We don't need to live in a world where each is 'left to their own'. I don't want to see someone who may be taken seriously telling potentially newer members of the engineering community that acoustic treatment is insignificant. If I got mis-information such as that early on, it may have retarded my growth as an engineer for years. Certainly, not realizing its implications or benefits early on already did to some degree.

A treated space is an honest space. You can think of it in many analogous ways. A General that acts on false information fed by his spies will likely make a mis-step, leading to more casualties than necessary. Just as with a monitoring environment that is incorrectly presenting your work will cause you to eventually mis-step. Whether that mis-step is corrected or not down the track is beside the point. If it had never originally been made, it would have saved time, second-guessing and potential heartache down the track.

Back to the point though... You don't have to obscure the point you're trying to make by attempting to cover all your bases, so nobody can justifiably be offended. I literally cannot discern what point you're ultimately trying to make, nor on what basis. If you think we were incorrect to react to NSGUITAR's post in the way that we did, just say it and we can move on from there without all the semantic time-wasting.
My previous statements are not out of ignorance at all.. I've been in several studios, learned in several places with quite good engineers/producers, and the MAJORITY of them have agreed that it is not necessary to soundproof your room excessively, as long as you're familiar and understand your mixing environment. That was how I was TAUGHT. Everybody is taught different, and I don't think there is a right way, or a wrong way.

Never open your mouth (or mover your hands over a keyboard) on the subject of acoustics or monitoring environments again. Ever.

If you can mistake soundproofing with acoustic treatment then you still have so much to learn.
Never open your mouth (or mover your hands over a keyboard) on the subject of acoustics or monitoring environments again. Ever.

If you can mistake soundproofing with acoustic treatment then you still have so much to learn.

Sorry, I mistyped something? I'm not a saint like you and don't type everything perfectly?

Sorry man.. Not really though. :wave:
Sorry dude, but when you showed up, you were just asking stupid and downright dumb questions, posting ezdrummer as real drums etc and now you dont have a lot to learn? You're the king then dude, wanna see your name in some CDs in the future

Good thing
Sorry, I mistyped something? I'm not a saint like you and don't type everything perfectly?

Sorry man.. Not really though. :wave:

No no no, you're getting me all wrong. All I'm saying is that you're a clueless fuckwad that knows nothing about acoustics. I'm not saying I'm a saint. No way.
No no no, you're getting me all wrong. All I'm saying is that you're a clueless fuckwad that knows nothing about acoustics. I'm not saying I'm a saint. No way.

I know what you were saying. And you're wrong. I was saying 'good thing' to your last comment, fuckwad.