studio update

DNB>>>no it was not his point. USE YOU HEADS PPL. His point is, you reclessly said IF YOU KNEW HOW IT WAS TO BE BOMBED AND SHIT...not the same words, but you know...

Neal is right, Other countries have lived with terror for so long, they dont even flinch when a bomb goes off....

thats the point....that you took out of context. Your very intellegent, your postings show that, im suprised you missed neals poit.

and just for the record, when neal hit the SUBMIT button he was finished.
dreamingneonblack said:
clean as mud.......
hey i didnt call you a cocksucking brainwashed fucking zombie who eats all the bullshit BUSH feeds him did I? nope.
dreamingneonblack said:
are you done now?
like ole LED said, i was done with those points when i hit submit.
dreamingneonblack said:
we should all just lay down and take it like men, hey?

isn't that your point in a nut shell?
where did i say that? anywhere? dont think so. as i said in line #1 of that post, im not taking sides, just commenting on a few points of yours...
neal said:
hey i didnt call you a cocksucking brainwashed fucking zombie who eats all the bullshit BUSH feeds him did I? nope. you kiss you mother with that mouth? That is uncalled for! I'm not some 15 year old.

like ole LED said, i was done with those points when i hit submit.

It was a joke......

where did i say that? anywhere? dont think so. as i said in line #1 of that post, im not taking sides, just commenting on a few points of yours... I was just summing up what I took from your comments

Neal- sorry...didn't mean to offend.

I am just tired of watching all of the US bashing going on. I wish the ones who think that this country is so bad to leave. I realize that everything is not perfect, but man, it really isn't that bad here!

No I don't eat all that Bush feeds as well, I just happen to agree with him on this topic. Too bad we won't get to see how bad Gore would have done in this same situation. Then we would be getting bombed on our own soil. You talk about a gutless turd. He's the man.... Maybe he invented weapons of mass destruction. :D

Hopefully I didn't piss off all of the millionaire actors/musicians that are on this site seeing as how they all love the Democrats.

No I am not necessarily a Republican, I vote on issues more than party.

Take it easy Neal, don't be so angry.

Soon the new Nevermore will be out and we can all talk about the good stuff again.

War sux but so does dividing a nation.
haha im not angry you bafoon. and I am sick of the whole "if you dont like it here, leave" attitude. thats not how it works. they dont want to leave, they want to try to change things. thats the whole point of a demacracy. you dont like what this guy is doing? you vote in someone else. its not a dictatorship. its not like 'this is how it shall be for 25 years so if you dont like it, tought shit' the whole idea behind our government is that its supposed to change and grow and addapt to the needs of the country. this is very idealistic and not necicarily who it *actually* works, but thats what all the pinheads in washington try to make us think with the whole 'the most free country, the best country, blah blah' all that propaganda. you cant say its the most free country and then tell everyone who doesnt like whats happening to get the fuck out all in the same breath. thats a contradiction. they're free to protest what they dont like and try to change it to how they like it. just like those who like it how it is are free to try to keep it that way. thats how it is, thats how this country was designed to be, so if you dont like it, YOU get the fuck out. im sure you can find a nice facist country where protestors are killed so you wont have to hear about it.
neal said:
haha im not angry you bafoon. and I am sick of the whole "if you dont like it here, leave" attitude. thats not how it works. they dont want to leave, they want to try to change things. thats the whole point of a demacracy. you dont like what this guy is doing? you vote in someone else. its not a dictatorship. its not like 'this is how it shall be for 25 years so if you dont like it, tought shit' the whole idea behind our government is that its supposed to change and grow and addapt to the needs of the country. this is very idealistic and not necicarily who it *actually* works, but thats what all the pinheads in washington try to make us think with the whole 'the most free country, the best country, blah blah' all that propaganda. you cant say its the most free country and then tell everyone who doesnt like whats happening to get the fuck out all in the same breath. thats a contradiction. they're free to protest what they dont like and try to change it to how they like it. just like those who like it how it is are free to try to keep it that way. thats how it is, thats how this country was designed to be, so if you dont like it, YOU get the fuck out. im sure you can find a nice facist country where protestors are killed so you wont have to hear about it.
thanks for the name calling....I don't get that.

If you want change, go ahead and change it then. You won't change it, it will never change. Yes the Pres works for us, but only on paper. They don't give a shit about us and we all know that. What do we do about it? Let's protest and block streets and trash cars and be idiots and fall off bridges....that'll work too. Let's do what System of A Down did and call the US a bunch of cowards and all of the other bs and say we deserved to have a couple of planes fly into our buildings all because we deserved it. What rich over paid underworked pricks. Get a real job and see how bad things are. Trust me, they'd be too busy to notice that we don't save every fuckin' tree, and we won't help Abdullah Bin Shitball's opression of whatever country Bono thinks we need to help. I will never leave this country but I have every right as well to say that I think some of the population is ridiculous in how they behave.

I also will not consider some bumps in our countries history as reason to give up on us. doesn't pay....we agree to disagree I believe.

I am happy and proud to be from this country and that will never change, and that means supporting the president and the ones who fight for us, so that is what I do. I will disagree with poilcy when we are in a peaceful situation, not now
ledmag said:
FUCK off you kentucky reject.

Fuck off? Dude you can do better then that. Just think, I almostgot affended, because you have to do some bad shit to get rejected from KY. You could have 15 broken down trucks in your driveway, merry your sister (or brother if you swing that way), have only 3 good teeth at age 15, or hell even fuck your sheep, and still be the best citizins in KY. :D
dreamingneonblack said:
thanks for the name calling....I don't get that.

If you want change, go ahead and change it then. You won't change it, it will never change. Yes the Pres works for us, but only on paper. They don't give a shit about us and we all know that. What do we do about it? Let's protest and block streets and trash cars and be idiots and fall off bridges....that'll work too. Let's do what System of A Down did and call the US a bunch of cowards and all of the other bs and say we deserved to have a couple of planes fly into our buildings all because we deserved it. What rich over paid underworked pricks. Get a real job and see how bad things are. Trust me, they'd be too busy to notice that we don't save every fuckin' tree, and we won't help Abdullah Bin Shitball's opression of whatever country Bono thinks we need to help. I will never leave this country but I have every right as well to say that I think some of the population is ridiculous in how they behave.

I also will not consider some bumps in our countries history as reason to give up on us. doesn't pay....we agree to disagree I believe.

I am happy and proud to be from this country and that will never change, and that means supporting the president and the ones who fight for us, so that is what I do. I will disagree with poilcy when we are in a peaceful situation, not now
i didnt say i personaly wanted to change it. i agree that the protests are a futule (futile?) effort and really just fuck up traffic and give cops another reason to be dicks. but hey, they're protected by the constitution to do it, so fuckin let em. and yes, i said right in my post that i was spitting an idealism that is so far from the truth that its a joke, but they gov tries to pretend like its not. they try to get us to buy their bullshit when its obvious they dont buy it themselves. yes the prez only works for us on paper and he actuall holds all the cards. and you 100% have the right to say peple act silly. its true. and yes, we agree to disagree about some issues, as we have the RIGHT to do in this country. thats how it goes, everyone gets their opinion for better or for worse. either way, decisions are made over our heads so really its just a lot of talk and wishful thinking. it doesnt matter. and bono is an idiot. he can afford to do shit liek that, USA on the other hand, doesnt have the cashflow for that kind of shit. or a war really but thats not stopping us. oh well. the economy will crumble but hey, at least we got that evil fucker saddam huh?
at least in South America we are more humble, we don't have monkey presidents and terrorist do not destroy our buildings by the way.. in Brazil the process of choose a president is an example of honesty.... it's not mannipulated as yours... and Jugulator.. a door is smarter.. it doesn't start a war with other countries even if the entire world support it... And I am PROUD of be born in South America... if I were born in USA at this moment I would be sick.. and asking to live in a another country because I would be so ashamed... Oh.. and we are almost self-suficients in producing our Oil ... we don't have to start a war for it...
Okay, I have two friends from Brazil, Sao Paula to be exact, and they think it is better here then in Brazil. Also, Ledmag owns his own business which most defently makes him smarter then a door. That is the dumbest arguement I've ever seen as far as I'm concerned.

I've lived in the US all my life and I wouldn't want to move any where but the US. I have the freedom to say whatever the hell I want and not worry about being shot for it. Unlike in Iraq.

BTW, "This war is about oil" is the dumbest of all arguements I've heard and I've heard it more than once. This war is about regine chance in Iraq and to get rid of Saddam Hussein. Oil is an added bonus. Also, Iraq has violated 18 UN resolution and the UN hasn't done shit about it. Iraq has fired Scud and they claimed not to have them. Also, this war is about ending terrorism. The claim Saddam doesn't support terrorism but he does give $25,000 to the families of Palistian Suicide Bombers. I thought he was poor and broke. :rolleyes:

How's that for an arguement.
Jugulator said:
the USA has much more weapons of mass destruction than all the other coutries togheter.
You are an ignorant

WHOOH! What's with all the hostility in this thread, damn it, it's "ignorant" to be arguing about "this" at a time like "this".
Fuþorc said:
How's that for an arguement.

I think that is awsome!!! :headbang::headbang:
However, in KY even a door can run his own business, (not Ledmeg).
Some guys I knew where so fuck up on drugs and alcohol that 90% of the time they might as well had been doors. LOL
?'s added so the Forum policia.
dreamingneonblack said:
I am happy and proud to be from this country and that will never change, and that means supporting the president and the ones who fight for us, so that is what I do. I will disagree with poilcy when we are in a peaceful situation, not now

That the is some powerful shit! i said:

We are fighting each other, about WAR!!
I mean, common'!!!!!
I have trouble with giving my opinion, because i still
don't know if i'm pro-or anti- war...i just don't know!!
All i know is that i'm afraid....
Stop this fighting and flaming, please.
And indeed Legmag, to use this fight in WD's thread, is not cool.

xxx Iris xxx
Iris said: i said:

We are fighting each other, about WAR!!
I mean, common'!!!!!
I have trouble with giving my opinion, because i still
don't know if i'm pro-or anti- war...i just don't know!!

xxx Iris xxx

That's ok Iris, you can be niether! Though we should stop making every post that goes up turn into a war flaming party. Hard to do when all we are watching is the war!
oh, i agree with that. It's all we hear, see and breathe..
suffocating, if i may say so.

xxx Iris xxx
TheSinMakesYouReal said:
I think that is awsome!!! !

However, in KY even a door can run his own business, (not Ledmeg).
Some guys I knew where so fuck up on drugs and alcohol that 90% of the time they might as well had been doors. LOL
?'s added so the Forum policia.

Dude, Ky has its shit holes. Sure. BUt i dont know what your talking about. Thsi is also for your replt t o me about ky.

My wife is a Pshycologist at teh local social servises office. In my small town, and the surrounding towns, you cant have a yard full of cars, you have to cut your grass, you haev to paint your house etc.

Plus the sexual stuff you were talking about, its not true.

And the doors in my area of ky (actually, i work all over ky at times) dont last long, when they get their own biz going. ITs hard work for the first several yrs, and at times, it can be very hard even after your are extablished.

anyway, im sure you fooling around on the subject for teh most part.
ledmag said:
Plus the sexual stuff you were talking about, its not true.

And the doors in my area of ky (actually, i work all over ky at times) dont last long, when they get their own biz going. ITs hard work for the first several yrs, and at times, it can be very hard even after your are extablished.
yes, I was foolen. However, I did know some people that had their own buisness and I did see how they could keep it afloat. I'm sure you have good buisness sense. Those guys were just a bunch of construction workers who got together and started a business. That's what I meant.
As far as the sex stuff, I was just fooling around about how every one out side of KY says it is the capitol state of incest and animal sex.

nothing personal man.
i didnt take it personal...i just know first hand the child abuse/sexual abuse laws in KY due to my wifes job.

Your pals probably dont work for themselves anymore. CHances are. They never make it long. The ones who fuck off anyway.
ledmag said:
i didnt take it personal...i just know first hand the child abuse/sexual abuse laws in KY due to my wifes job.

Your pals probably dont work for themselves anymore. CHances are. They never make it long. The ones who fuck off anyway.

I said I know them, their not my pals lol. Any way, ya you are probably right about them. Well, sorry your wife has to deal with that, maybe one day it will sink into every ones head not to force sex on some one. However, I was reffering to the jokes about someones dad being their brother and shit like that. Not the abusestuff.
well, someone being a feloows dad and sexual abuse....its incest...against the law...
yeah, that sort of shit is bad news....