studio update

your both RIGHT ON here hahahahaha....

YEah man, those spriger folks think they are SUPERSTARS for sharing the maggots under their shit with us arent they?
neal said:
haha im not angry you bafoon. and I am sick of the whole "if you dont like it here, leave" attitude. thats not how it works. they dont want to leave, they want to try to change things. thats the whole point of a demacracy. you dont like what this guy is doing? you vote in someone else. its not a dictatorship. its not like 'this is how it shall be for 25 years so if you dont like it, tought shit' the whole idea behind our government is that its supposed to change and grow and addapt to the needs of the country. this is very idealistic and not necicarily who it *actually* works, but thats what all the pinheads in washington try to make us think with the whole 'the most free country, the best country, blah blah' all that propaganda. you cant say its the most free country and then tell everyone who doesnt like whats happening to get the fuck out all in the same breath. thats a contradiction. they're free to protest what they dont like and try to change it to how they like it. just like those who like it how it is are free to try to keep it that way. thats how it is, thats how this country was designed to be, so if you dont like it, YOU get the fuck out. im sure you can find a nice facist country where protestors are killed so you wont have to hear about it.
someone needs "spell check".....necicarily..demacracy...facist...addapt...
kiyardo said:
That was an excellant post. Hopefully WD will see it and change his mind and not follow the Hollywood Elite, and the Dixie Chicks.

Saddam Hussein, the real enemy of reality.
God bless America and God bless George Bush

Forget about the war and focus on the fucking pancake, god damnit.
Depends. Dry fucking anything's pretty annoying so you'd have to incorporate syrup.

And remember, safety first. Take the pancake OFF of the Bunny's head before engaging in Waffeluseroticus.
bonecraft7 said:
Depends. Dry fucking anything's pretty annoying so you'd have to incorporate syrup.

And remember, safety first. Take the pancake OFF of the Bunny's head before engaging in Waffeluseroticus.

Yeah, I wouldn't want him nibbling at my balls like a carrot. lol