Studiotrack arrived! (Krank Rev, real drums, vox)


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Maybe some of you remember my thread about me and my band ( heading to the studio.

So, we got the track and you can download it right here:

or for a quick listen

Some tweaking will be done but it's alllmost finished as it is. This is just a demotrack - so what... :)

Eike from EikeyStudio promised to give me the rawtracks for you guys to play around, will upload them as soon as I get them! :headbang:

Have fun!


As Eike promised we got an update of our song. Guitars are louder and smoother in my opinion. the mix seems more balanced and all the vocals are in there now.
Cool stuff but there's some pretty audiable clipping. The guitars sound a bit thin and harsh, IMO and the toms sound unnatural with such extreme panning. That's just my opinion of course :)
@ elmoe:

hey neighbour! :)

thanks for you nice words! Wir sind am 27.02. in Hamburg im Logo, vielleicht haste ja bock mal vorbei zu schauen!

@ shadow walker

we had a pretty old set with old skins so maybe that's why the toms sound unnatural.

I think the guitars sound a little harsh, too. we were in a rush when recording so we didn't spend too much time with micing. maybe that's the reason. But it's pretty decent for a demo I think! We only had 2 days for everything which is not much. The goal was not to achive the best sound but to see if the engineer and the band can work together. Now we really hope to get a full length album out this year.
Hmm, not bad dude, but the guitars are definitely undergained and too low in the mix (and maybe scooped, but it's hard to tell at this level) and the ride/hi-hat and vocals too loud. Also, it sounds slammed to hell in the loudness maximizing, and I definitely hear a lot of overall clipping as well. The individual sounds (except the guitar IMO) are good, they just need to be mixed better in terms of relative levels IMO!

EDIT: And this is from listening to the mp3 download, btw, not the soundclick
we had a pretty old set with old skins so maybe that's why the toms sound unnatural.

No, I mean that they aren't panned naturally, almost as if tom1 is hard left and tom3 hard right. I also pan the toms a bit unrealistically to get a good stereo spread but these are too spread, IMO. Not that anyone besides a few drummers and AEs would notice but still :D
we didn't record any other tracks, it was just one song we recorded to see if we can work together with Eike in the future for a full album.
I will get an update on monday and will post it here. Just don't expect it to be perfect. :)

Thanks Lasse! You still gotta check us out live :)
nice song :headbang:

+1 on the thin and a bit too harsh guitars.
But the solo guitar sounds great.

Vocals are great too.

I don't mind the tom sound but the panning is a bit too extrem IMHO
The snare gets a bit annoying to me because it sounds too triggered.