Lovin' the sound of it Eikey!. Awesome song too Emd some fucking cool stuff.
Eike, would it be possible for you to give us some information on how you recorded and mixed the drums?
Yes, sure:
Mike 1: Audix D6 close into TLA Ivory
Mike 2: Senheiser 2902 into API 4123
Snare 3: Audix IE 5 Into API 4123
Snare down: Senheiser e904 into Sony pre
Tom 1: Audix d2 into Sony pre
Tom 2: Audix d2 into Sony pre
Tom 3: Audix d2 into Sony pre
Tom 4: Audix d4 into Sony pre
OH Stereo:AKG C415 B into API 4123
Ride: AKG C452 CK1 intp Sony Pre
Hihat: Rode NT 5 into Sony Pre
Room:Brauner Valvet into Sony Pre
Snare and Kick resampling (with the ORINGINAL drum samples)
with drumagog,
Comps and Eqs were URS Vintage API/NEVE and Sony EQ/Com mainly
was a tough ride, because I had so little time
I hope it helps