Studiotrack arrived! (Krank Rev, real drums, vox)

Awesome tune! I agree with most of the points here, Toms indeed sound like they are panned hard right and left. Furthermore they sound good :) And i'm totally blown away by the vocals, sweet!

Would be absurdly cool if you can give us a shot at mixing this!
Hey Folks,

Just wanted to let you know that this is a DEMO.
I mixed the whole song in 3 Hours:goggly:

I will fix part of the mixes tomorrow, but will keep it smashed (Hard Limiting) to blow away those A&Rs that are listening to it on weak Computer speakers,
since I am damn sure that Vanity Ruins will get dealed anytime soon. :rock: :rock:
This band simply is incredible!


Yeah, the toms seem to be hard panned, but it makes the song (on small speakers ) sound larger :Smokin:

cy 2morrow:kickass:
An undergained Krank makes me cry bitter, bitter tears, but the levels is way better; vox seem to be at the right level, as are the guitars! The kick and snare are too soft now IMO, but otherwise much better!
Well specifically in all the palm mutes, there's just not as much sustain and saturated "fizz" (the good kind) as I personally would like - the tone itself is good though!
Lovin' the sound of it Eikey!. Awesome song too Emd some fucking cool stuff.

Eike, would it be possible for you to give us some information on how you recorded and mixed the drums?
Lovin' the sound of it Eikey!. Awesome song too Emd some fucking cool stuff.

Eike, would it be possible for you to give us some information on how you recorded and mixed the drums?

Yes, sure:


Mike 1: Audix D6 close into TLA Ivory
Mike 2: Senheiser 2902 into API 4123

Snare 3: Audix IE 5 Into API 4123

Snare down: Senheiser e904 into Sony pre

Tom 1: Audix d2 into Sony pre
Tom 2: Audix d2 into Sony pre
Tom 3: Audix d2 into Sony pre
Tom 4: Audix d4 into Sony pre

OH Stereo:AKG C415 B into API 4123
Ride: AKG C452 CK1 intp Sony Pre
Hihat: Rode NT 5 into Sony Pre
Room:Brauner Valvet into Sony Pre


Snare and Kick resampling (with the ORINGINAL drum samples)
with drumagog,
Comps and Eqs were URS Vintage API/NEVE and Sony EQ/Com mainly

was a tough ride, because I had so little time

I hope it helps:)
Wow thanks a lot for the info man :). Killer job you did there.

Small question if you don't mind: Seeing that you utilise so many Sony Preamps might I ask how you would compare them to the API pres? And I hope I'm not pushing it here as you might want to keep you secrets private but which Sony pre are you using as I never even knew they made (I'm assuming) good quality preamps. Sorry for being such a noob.
I think he's talking about the Preamps in his desk mixer which looks like that:
