Stuff I'm REALLY ashamed of buying...


A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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Ok... so here are the CDs that I can't believe I EVER bought... and NO... I DONT like any of these anymore.

I had every Garth Brooks CD (Keep in mind this is all when i was like 8-12 area.. hehe)

Alanis stuff (agreeing with Lina... Oyo... you being 8 then makes me feel REALLY old)

Faith No More stuff

For Love Not Lisa stuff

Matchbox 20... wow yah... thank god I have good music now!! JEESUS
I can;t stand diabolus....the songs are subpar, the production gives me a headache, Tom sounds like a wuss hardcore singer, the only good song is Bitter Peace....
I can;t stand diabolus....the songs are subpar, the production gives me a headache, Tom sounds like a wuss hardcore singer, the only good song is Bitter Peace....

Yes after what i consider the best music slayer ever did in divine intervention i have my hopes real high for a new studio slayer album and it was a huge disappointment the album falls into a more catchy sound almost hinting they current tendency to gang up with numetal bands....You just cant look at something like diabolus without thinkin damn what happened to the classics in metal history like circle of belief and killing spring or sex murder art or dittohead...
I didn't buy this, it was a Christmas present from a clueless relative... here it is....

wait for it...

Hanson - Mmmmbop
Hanson - Mmmmbop
hahaha! i think u take first prize for that one!

old stuff that im embarrased about would include Bryan Adams, and uhhh John Farnham, etc.. lol, damn parents getting me into that evil stuff!!!!
Originally posted by YaYoGakk

hahaha! i think u take first prize for that one!

Unfortunately, the title of the thread is "Stuff I'm ashamed of buying", not "Stuff that was bought for me", so I regret to inform you that I hereby disqualify myself from the contest. What a shame. :D
I'm not ashamed of buying anything, but my worst record must be EvilDead. I don't even remember the name of the album...
Crematory's "Illusions"
I had bought it when it came out and thought it was cool but after some months i started not liking i simply wanna puke and hide somewhere :rolleyes:

damn,5000 drachmas (=14,67 Euro) wasted hahaha

also the first On Thorns I Lay Cd....uch.... the only cool about it is it's purple Cd-case....
I'm not really ashamed of buying any album I own...except maybe for that ultra-old AC/DC one I bought when I didn't even have a CD-Player...hmm, well, I often laugh at it sometimes so...By the way, The Purple cover on that On Thorns I Lay album is more Pink that Purple...also, the CD is AWFUL! :p