Stuff to check out

this sounds like korn
the guitars are ok but they could seriously use some low end
also the playing, its too sloppy, u can easily tell theres 2 guitars there when that usually isnt the point
the drums could use some better sounds also
Guitars are pretty sloppy, overheads are too loud, the cymbal hits drown out everything else and maybe thats what is causing too much ambience on the drums too. The actual drum sound is decent, just turn the actual drums up louder and the OH down a lot.

Nice job for a first mix though
I dig the riff. I'm not sure that the guitars are that sloppy but they sound compressed to death. You might back off on the compression to "tighten" then up a little. The other guys are right though about the overheads.
yeah guys thats predictable song from korns first album

guitar playing -yeah - i've played it with one shot just to record something - just to have guitar tracks))

so the problems are:
1) loud cymbals
2) sloppy guitars (thats not a real prioblem)
3) guuitars are compressed much
and i didnt understand about guitars low end - what did you mean?

and thanks guys for checking out... its very important for me!
fistula said:
yeah guys thats predictable song from korns first album

guitar playing -yeah - i've played it with one shot just to record something - just to have guitar tracks))

so the problems are:
1) loud cymbals
2) sloppy guitars (thats not a real prioblem)
3) guuitars are compressed much
and i didnt understand about guitars low end - what did you mean?

and thanks guys for checking out... its very important for me!
oops haha i said it wrong
i meant to say that they could use less low end