Suggested Bands For Bloodstock 2004

Well i've not heard Area 54 live so I wouldn't know!
Ive been somewhere in Hull when they were playing but I was outside all night for various reasons...................

Debut album wasn't great....but since then they have had more experience of playing live and have released a new album which is simply outstanding!
Hopefully they have improved live and if they have then they would fucking rule!
i saw area 54 live and they were damn good! got lakis and laura's autographs too! that was the most recent gig they've played too as far as i know, late las year, so i assume they've improved since u saw em eagle...unless we just have different opinions!
Kolyma said:
i saw area 54 live and they were damn good! got lakis and laura's autographs too! that was the most recent gig they've played too as far as i know, late las year, so i assume they've improved since u saw em eagle...unless we just have different opinions!
I only them at bloodstock 01. Before they played they'd been hyped on the message board and I was expecting big things from them, especially with them being placed higher on the bill then the vastly superior Shadow Keep. Anyway when they came on I was gutted. It was like watching a pub band that had never rehearsed. It was so bad I had to leave after a couple of songs. I know a lot of folk really like this band so i thought it must just be me. So I downloaded a couple of their songs and I just couldn't enjoy the vocals. For me they sound like Oasis trying to play tribute to Maiden. However I have heard from people who's opinions I rate that they have improved vastly since then. Maybe I'm harsh, but I've seen a lot of bands and Area 54 for me are sadly one of the weaker ones. If they do get a slot at bloodstock and I enjoy them then I will eat humble pie and give them the respect they then deserve.
wizard would :headbang:

also i picked up Cryonic temples (bllod guts and glory) and Burning points (feeding the flames) latest efforts testerday and they both seriously :headbang:
they would be great additons to the bill
Eagle said:
I've seen a lot of bands and Area 54 for me are sadly one of the weaker ones. If they do get a slot at bloodstock and I enjoy them then I will eat humble pie and give them the respect they then deserve.

hell if you don't im sure other people will enjoy them, just a matter of opinion i suppose! i like people being open to one another's opinions and being willing to give things a second chance based on them, so well done that bird of prey!
Just to add, i saw area 54 a few months ago and they ruled, personally id love to see em there, but we're missing the more important issue of orange goblin!!! We need to groove added to the fest, which is shaping up to be brilliant i must admit :headbang: Roll on September!!
Well the fact is that Bloodstock will rule one way or another for me! I know there will always be enough bands I like who will play Bloodstock so i'll be there every year no matter what!!!!
The more of my favorite bands the better though obviously :p
But it'l still kick ass!
gamma ray, most definitely! never heard orange goblin, but i plan on doing, so i'd be up for some of them too! and area 54, don't forget! :)
I had no idea Orange Goblin still existed... the twice I heard one of their albums they reminded me of psychadelia meets heavy rock... strange stuff. I need to hear more I guess!
I feel the overall Bloodstock will be better for me this year!
This will be my 3rd one and out of the 3 this is the worst of the headliners as far as i'm concerned.
Children of Bodom are a great band don't get me wrong but Blind Guardian were one of the first bands I ever got into in the metal genre....and Nightwish...well they are one of my favorite bands!
I'm still looking forward to CoB though and the whole of the 2 days!

I would quite like to see Lost Horizon aswel!
divineslayer666 said:
I feel the overall Bloodstock will be better for me this year!
This will be my 3rd one and out of the 3 this is the worst of the headliners as far as i'm concerned.
Children of Bodom are a great band don't get me wrong but Blind Guardian were one of the first bands I ever got into in the metal genre....and Nightwish...well they are one of my favorite bands!
I'm still looking forward to CoB though and the whole of the 2 days!

I would quite like to see Lost Horizon aswel!

i have to completely and utterly disagree with you, i think this is the best line up so far, it'll also be my 3rd bloodstock.