Suggested Bands For Bloodstock 2004

Hey dude, that is fair enough, I have no intention to cause an arguement, I just like discussing stuff, and to be honest I find the LOTR thing with Black Metal very intruiging.

Yeah Immolation rule.

Immolation for BS04

To be honest I think there is more change of Cliff Burton rejoining Metallica than Immolation being asked for Bloodstock.

Oh well
I still think we should get some UK fans off other message boards to come here and demand Immolation (I'm desperate too see them live haveing seen pics of them in terrorizer were they are just a blur) if we can show enough interest then you never know :evilgrin:
Yeah, I agree we should demand them, they are a great band live, one of my best gigs ever was Noctiferia, Aborted, Malevolent Creation and Immolation. Now that was an awesome gig.

I don't know how Vince feels about their extreme Anti-Christian views, I imagine that BS would like to keep fairly neutral in regards to Religion, some Christians like metal (for some crazy reason), but, it's better not to alienate potential customers.

I personally say Fuck Christians. Weak and Narrow minded Bigoted Sheep, but that's just me :D
I agree with that 110%, I would have loved too have seen that gig because of support from Aborted (actually if you saw the amount of Aborted T's at BS03 I think that alone speaks volumes aboput their popularity, hint hint)

Cruel Humanities lyrics are just as anti-christian and even more anti-human ("shut your mouth, Fall in Line, know your species has been cursed to creation!") and they went down a storm at BS03 so I don't see a problem with content.

Again just to reitterate a point, CH must be back with a bigger slot for BS04, 20mins is nothing like long enough (no Pre-apocalyptic Stare:()
Aborted are supposed to be playing in Manchester with Kataklysm and Nile, but I've heard some conflicting reports that it could be Dew-scented and Misery Index supporting Nile.

I know which gig I would rather see :D

Aborted at Bloodstock???

Got more chance of At The Gates reforming and playing a free gig outside in Derby City Centre.

It is a shame, as some more Extreme band are very good, but I don't suppose they would sell as well.

It's easy for a "Casual" metal fan to come in off the street and see HammerFall than to see Nile.

Don't get me wrong, I have all HF's albums and all Nile's albums as I love them both, but I hope people see my point.
Dream Thief said:
Great to see people mentioning Sonata Arctica. I would actually contribute to their asking price aswell as buying a ticket just to get them over here. They can't avoid the UK forever.

Come on guys, vote Sonata Arctica.

Oh, funeralforafriend, I'd also love to see Silentium. Those guys absolutely rule!!! Glad to see you mentioned them aswell.

Wow someone else who has heard of them - they really are fantastic aren't they? I just want a new album or SOMETHING to come out, but I doubt anything could beat Altum.

And there are so many amazing bands being mentioned in this thread, I suppose a dream festival would hold all of these in it - imagine a 6 day Bloodstock festival, with every single band that has been mentioned thus far - how amazing would that be? I'd pay anything to see that.
MentaLee said:
Suppose I may as well add a couple as well........

After Forever

:hotjump: :hotjump: See its not JUST me who wants them!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

@MentaLee..... nice one Mate!!! U now have a friend for life!!!!! U coming to Liverpool at the weekend???? Would be good to see u again!!!! :)

King Diamond :Spin:
It went fantastic last night..... truly amazing!!!!

I have posted in the other thread about it.... :)

Also introduced Vince to the wonderful world of After Forever last night too..... I think he was impressed :cool: :)
HMS: This is sad but true, tho' I'm a stupid bastard and I'll never stop trying. Particualy for Napalm Death, Benediction and Akercocke who all have the advantage of being british (and in ND's case living legends).

That said MR's Gothic stylings went down very well and I'm sure bands like Lacuna Coil, Dark Sanctuary and (for the millionth time) My Dying Bride would be equally good at roping in the crowds.
Ah yes... but Akercocke have the disadvantage of being absolutely shit.

Of course I will keep suggesting band's, even if there is no chance, at least then I am voicing my opinion.

Nile, Nile, Nile, Nile,Nile.

Nevermore, Nevermore, Nevermore




Intestine Baalism fo bloodstock 04
peroanlly, i want to see more power metal and older metal, so im gonna awnt to see bands like:
twisted sister
freedom call
blind guardian
gamma ray
iced eath

and i no many of them are unlkiely but im gonna say em ne way
also i no many ppl want to see plenty of the more extreme stuff, which is kool, so get bands liek CoB and sabbat, everyone diserves something at bloodstock, aslso i think some of the thrash would be good too, so anthrax ans all tht lot


and rammstein? i think rammstein and i think kerrang, jsut cos a bands german dontmake em a good metal band, altho freedom call blind guardian and edguy make it harder to belive, lol
i'd like to see mainly british undergound in the darwin suite. pick some of these bad boys:

extreme noise terror
napalm death
my dying bride
orange goblin
dukes of nothing
electric wizard
blackeye riot
murder one
the last drop
my war
hopkins666 : Nice one:D Napalm Death, Benediction, MDB, Mistress, Frost (partialy 'cos that way we can get Aborym too), Akercocke, Cathedral and ENT (hmm, I wonder why you'd sudgest them;)) would all slay along with a cirtan unsigned BM band from Derby.

HMS: Nile and Dismember would be nice and we all know what I think of Immolation

Why not import some BM/DM/GM tho' there are plenty of little know BM/DM/GM bands out there, Incision, Enochian Crescent, Dark Sanctuary, Frostmoon Eclipse etc.
prince_of_darkness54321 said:
and rammstein? i think rammstein and i think kerrang, jsut cos a bands german dontmake em a good metal band, altho freedom call blind guardian and edguy make it harder to belive, lol

Um no, that's why - funnily enough - people say they're a good metal band, because their music is very very good, and seeing them live is a once in a lifetime experience [unless you see them twice...then of course it's a...twice in a lifetime...experience.......].

Who ever mentioned their being German being ANY element to how good their music is? How can this logically be an piece in the equation??? Seriously, I want to know...

Plus they have been around ages and have only recently been in Kerrang! - loads and loads of amazing bands get mentioned in Kerrang! For fucks sake, Peccatum had an artical in Kerrang! not so long ago, and they are an amazing Black Metal band. [well how could they not be, they boast a member from Emperor and his wifey]
I'd like to see proven quality bands imported for the main slots:

From Europe possibly Stratovarius, Hammerall, Sonata Artcica, Demons And Wizards, Sinergy or Evergrey

From America/Canada possibly, Annihilator, Eidolon, Savatage, Jag Panzer, Seven Witches or Twisted Tower Dire

Hopkins 666 is right and I think the second stage should be UK Underground bands (Black, Death, Grindcore, Thrash) with Fourwaykill to headline!

Also Princeofdarkness is right about rammstein, just because kerrang now support bloodstock we don't another fucking alternative nu punk download scuzzfest with shit like funeralforafriend on the bill ;)