Suggested Bands For Bloodstock 2004

i think Circle II circle would be nice (yeah, i nkow they have been mentioned), Hammerfall must be there, Lacuna Coil would be cool.

Kamelot anybody? Freedom call would be nice to see again, Maybe sentenced if you can get them.

Anthrax would be an excellent choice too!!

Can you arrange that lot for me? :D
oozily said:
i think Circle II circle would be nice (yeah, i nkow they have been mentioned), Hammerfall must be there, Lacuna Coil would be cool.

Kamelot anybody? Freedom call would be nice to see again, Maybe sentenced if you can get them.

Anthrax would be an excellent choice too!!

Can you arrange that lot for me? :D
Anthrax would be great!. At graspop they slayed totally!!!! :D
I know some of these have been mentioned before but I'm gonna list my most wanted bands for 2004.

Sonata Arctica
Royal Hunt
Children of Bodom
In Flames

I'd also definitely welcome back EdGuy!!!
At least Graveland are actually Black Metal, not like most of these bands who pretend to be true and are really just wanting to make money by being popular...

This goes fo many bands, I find it really sad when bands do this, some bands stay the same forever and they are the ones that shine through.

N*Flamz are now a joke
Arch Enemy sound so commercial it's not even funny
Cradle Of Filth don't even deserve my derision they are that bad
Dimmu Borgir...Oh I'm sorry are you 12 years old
Metallica... :D
Satyricon :yell:

Bands who've stayed true

Iron Maiden
Running Wild

Many stay true, but many sell out...

You all know what I mean, keep it trve.
HMS: I'd respectfully disagree with most of the points raised, I love Cradle and AE, Dimmu are good but seem to be haveing an identity crisis at the mo and In flames better start going backwatds soon.

Graveland are very much recomended to me but I've never heard them nor do I intend to buy an album by them, I won't support Nazi's. But then again Graveland make no secret of the fact that they are racists do they not, thats more a cry for attention than anything else really so really are they actually any better than sell-outs?

Change is often very good for a band, Therion, Darkthrone and Ephel Duath especialy.

Please don't take offence, I'm only expressing a difference in opinion not directly slagging off your views, you're perfectly entitled to them and I will DL some Graveland just to check out.

Tho I will agree with you on one note. Immolation rule! They'd be amazing for BS04 and I'd love to see them.
Back on topic:)

How about someone really bizzare like Ephel Duath for BS04, It'd definately be weird.

Or Decapitated, what with them being so big over here that they're playing another UK tour this febuary (in fact we're the only country were they are actualy headlining) and are opening for Morbid Angel in Europe. After their tour in march I can safely say that they are possibly the most popular Death Metal act in the UK at the mo.
I hate to sound like a fucking wanker but I think half the reason Decap. are so popular is that Kerrang! has plugged them SO MUCH.

Personally I find 'em boring on record and boring live.

Imagine if Morbid Angel played at Bloodstock...that would be LEGENDARY
You say you love Cradle and Arch Enemy and Dimmu.

That doesn't make them good bands.

And as far as Graveland goes the songs are not:

"Kill my pals
Kill Jews,
White Men Rule"

Most NSBM has a lot to do with the Lord Of The Rings/Racism/Religion Conspircy If you don't know what I mean I suggest you look it up, because it is rather complicated to explain.

Basically in brief terms

Good guys in LOTR = Christians are the humans, Elves are the Jews ( the jews are the higher race, better than everyone else and destined to go to heaven)

The bad guys = Pagan religions and such, the obvious idea is the Eye of Sauron, this is seen to represent the eye of Odin as the ultimae highest god, Odin plucked out his own eye. The Urik Hi represent the viking peoples, Berserkers if you know what that is.

Burzum was originally called Urik Hi if I'm not mistaken, you may see a Graveland song caled "White hand's power" this is not racist in the way it would appear to be.

This does, of course refer to Saruman who places his hand on the head of the Urik Hi once they are created leaving a white handprint. Just because someone is racist, that doesn't make them stupid.

A lot of racists are stupid, like the KKK for example, good ole, beer-swillin' God-fearing, sister-marrying trash. But I hate religion so that's my problem with them. They use God as a reason to hate, if God is a lie then any hatred that comes with it is pointless, but that is the way of the Church

Of course things are a little more extreme in Poland, this is where the greatest NSBM is concentrated, being a communist country for so long means strict control and were things are tried to be censored, they obviously have to go underground and that is where the cult status comes from.

And as for you're comments, when was the last time you saw Graveland in Kerrang! or terrorizer or anywhere for that matter, where as I see 8 year olds with Dimmu tops and CoF hoodies on every day.

Bands that always grace Kerrang and Metal Hammer.
HMS: And just because you don't like them doesn't make them bad does it? Plz can we drop the racisam thing, no-one here is racist so its not liek anyone is offended. Racisam is ignorance, Ignorance is weakness, I hate the weak, they must be destroyed. Black Metal is about hateing the weak and ignorant not about being part of them. Okay, thats my last words on it can we please get back on topic, please:)

DV: Well I haven't read K! since they got me into Decapitated (I heard Babylon's Pride on a Freebie) and Decapitated got me into Metal (and music for that matter) and now I'm here. I'm not some trendy with his "Kew nu metal" I apreciate real metal, I make real metal (or I will when the rest of my bands get off their arses and do some work) and there are no trendies at Decapitated gigs, just genuine Death Metal fans so K! have increased Decapitated's popularity, accidentaly as far as I'm aware. If yo don't like them then fine, I'm not one too critisise you for that but they've been in Terrorizer far more times and its not fair too say that they owe their successs to one magazine 'cos the continent hasn't been exposed to the atrocity that is K! yet they love them.

Tho' you are correct MA would be ace at BS04 (hint hint)
As to the conversation.

You are ignorant to what Graveland stood for, I informed you of what they stand for.

How many people on this board really like Cradle and Dimmu or Arch Enemy, these bands haven't been stayed true :D

All the posers in Town with t-shirts they get from trendy shops, it makes me laugh why people buy that shit, pure commercial crap, and I stand by that. In Flames, Arch Enemy, Dimmu, Cradle, Satyricon and the list goes on, mainly, if you see a pre-teen kid wearing a t-shirt of a band they are likely commercial, manufactured crap.

CoF may have had a few good demos but as soon as Dani realised there was more money in controversy and T-shirts than actual talent, he sold out.

I pity him.

Most people on this board are fans of true metal, and would not listen to such commercial bands, and I don't think they would want them at Bloodstock.

I could bash CoF all day, it's so easy and so much fun.
HMS: I don't accept Graveland's message, I don't ignoor it. Also Please take note that I am not a trendy I liek all the above but I also liked CH and MR long before Bloodstock, I will give any non-christian band a chance. Please can we just agree to disagree and end it here, please:) I don't want any bad blood between myself and anyone on here, esp. Immolation Fans

Surely we should be doing something more constructive (like, say nagging for Immolation at BS04)

Tet: You are of corse correct, classic case of "bale syndrome" were I miss out a word or 3, I ment the spirit of BM was hatred of the weak, what fuled its lyrics and founding fathers. all apologies:)