Suicide Silence - No Time To Bleed

on Lasse's behalf...

since one of the types of people Lasse mentioned (pros and eager learners) were not pros to start with how does it follow that both are being "displaced" by more non pros, to use your words?

what Lasse has clearly said is that both types are slowly being displaced by kids who are here to cause problems, troll, and play at it... and not really very serious about truly learning anything... since you'd rather blow in to a place that had great times for 5 years and piss on everything and everyone that made it a cool place and never ask any questions to the very people that could be helping you... impossible to miss that from what he said unless you've eaten lead paint chips as a snack everyday for 10 years.. but you'd rather argue.

we at least have a motivation: to try and salvage what was once a cool place for BOTH those already working in the studios and those who sincerely would like to be... what's your motivation? to lower the bar as far as you can?

EDIT: turns out to be a "late hit"... looks like the thread ended while i was typing. fair enough. i'm done.

this is exactly it

i didnt want to add to this monster of a thread, but id just like to say this thread sums up the way the forum has been headed for a while.

too many non-serious posters here - fair enough having the sub forums helped a bit but i think threads still have a ton of useless posts in them of kind of in jokes that arent exactly hilarious or necessary (especially when every thread has them).
I have to admit, it feels like I have a hell of a lot of shit to make up for right now.
Fuck :|
Man, what a farkin' thread to wake up to. But I have to say, this:

Öwen;8390077 said:
The moment I see these topics, even containing a little bit of something suspect I know James will be in with his King Canute the Great bit, trying to push back the eternal tide, although even Canute was making the point that it was an excercise in futility, every time you reiterate something on an internet forum you are not winning the battle against piracy, hell its not even making anybodies e-penis look bigger, the blatant attempts at one upmanship are cringeworthy and embarrassing for everyone who wants to just get on with what the real meat of this forum is about.

Was absolutely fucking brilliant :lol:
And jesus christ, how can anyone get offended by and angry at Lasse, the dude is by far one of the least abrasive and coolest people I've encountered on this entire forum, and while I can sympathize with his boredom with the endless AD/Podxt/SoloC threads, he's not criticizing people who work with what they can afford (those things), but rather a) lamenting that there aren't more real live recorded tracks (which as I said I too have more interest in) and more importantly b) criticizing people who come and just beg for presets and samples and etc. hoping that'll take care of all their needs (though admittedly I feel they're cut down pretty quick, so it's not too much of a problem).

Anyway, I think this thread should just be banished from the plane of existence, cuz everything was going great before, and I would hate to think this would mess with the status quo (I fear change :( :D)
And jesus christ, how can anyone get offended by and angry at Lasse, the dude is by far one of the least abrasive and coolest people I've encountered on this entire forum

Quoted for the win. This thread is a shambles. Dodo brought somethink up and James took the bait in his usual abrasive manner, and both of them acted like little kids.

How the fuck someone is having a go at lasse is beyond me.

thanks for getting my back guys ;)

I think the "problem" is that James is participating in the forum quite actively and that he's not afraid to speak his mind. and James does have his opinion about Mac, Pro Tools, Downloading....I would not call that "taking the bait" but more "sharing his experience and opinion about stuff he's interested in / that concerns his/our business". I also wouldn't say James is doing it in an abrasive way but just plain honest and direct.
I appreciate that and I prefer frankness over meaningless chitchat. bear in mind that written word sometimes doesn't really translate perfectly.
Well I think there's a little something called "tact" that is often ignored by people who claim they're just being direct and straightforward (for example diplomatically agreeing to disagree rather than belittling the opposing viewpoint - though this of course doesn't apply to piracy, cuz I do believe it's wrong and attempting to allow people to just have their own opinion about it could potentially be harmful to the industry, so I understand James' crusading in that respect. However, it's another story when it comes to things like tone, guitar playing etc...but anyway, I long ago learned that's just how James is so I stopped really giving a crap)

EDIT: Don't wanna make too big a deal about this, but to dredge up a past example... Link
Well I think there's a little something called "tact" that is often ignored by people who claim they're just being direct and straightforward (for example diplomatically agreeing to disagree rather than belittling the opposing viewpoint - though this of course doesn't apply to piracy, cuz I do believe it's wrong and attempting to allow people to just have their own opinion about it could potentially be harmful to the industry, so I understand James' crusading in that respect. However, it's another story when it comes to things like tone, guitar playing etc...but anyway, I long ago learned that's just how James is so I stopped really giving a crap)
i have never... ever... not once... criticized anyone's guitar playing, tone, or anything of that nature... this is now being fabricated out of whole cloth, and i won't have it. stop it now, please. i've already in the past few minutes had very pleasant PMs with Dodo and dcdanman.. they reached out to me and we've all come to our senses.... you can now please do the same and stop inventing things that never happened.. i'd very much appreciate it.
Well to be clear I was more referring to your response to comments on your tone as in that example, but yes, you're right, better that this shitty thread just end!
digging the sig murph >.< paha
ill take it that means apolagy accepted bro?
However, it's another story when it comes to things like tone, guitar playing etc...

true, but I don't think James has ever done that. IME he's always been in-yer-face but fair.

EDIT: just saw the link you posted...c'mon Marcus, that's not really attacking you for your opinion, I'd read that as explanation about why he thought the guitars had enough gain for he mix. And it's not more abrasive than what we all do when we react to can still have your opinion and he biggie...just another example of "in your face but not abrasive" :)

I can be much more of a cunt when someone criticized my tone :D

EDIT2: I'm too slow, dammit ;)
k, twas fun while it lasted /thread.
Well I disagree, but I won't dwell on it any more here! (or anywhere else for that matter, cuz there's really no point)



Gareth, I wanted to tell YOU that thanks to your excellent candid feedback, I just re-re-amped the guitars for my EP and am much happier, so thanks dude! (but I still love mids, and you can eat a penis :D)