Sullen Jester


Nov 19, 2001
You're the only person I know of who likes Slipknot. Which one is the best cd to get?


And all the rest of you: Yes, I like Slipknot. I don't like the majority of their fans, but I like them. And I also like Korn! and SOAD! and.....other not metal people. So don't even start with me, bitches! :( ;)
I thought this was going to be one of those "You're and idiot and you smell of celery" threads that are directed to me oh so much..

I'm drawn more so to the first album, but there are a few good ones on the second (Everything Ends, Heretic Anthem, Skinn Ticket) ... I'd go with the first, but you should get some MP3's and decide for yourself.

Any other bands? heh
Well.. theres the first first one.. called Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. and its EXTREMELY rare.. I've seen it go for 150 pounds.. even CD-R's go for about 40 quid..

That was their self-produced, self-released, debut..

That was when there was 6 guys with a different singer..

The "first" album is a self-titled, with all the current members.
I always get confused with this..

Not many people know there was a MFKR CD, and think the selftitled was the first..

The sound on both (self titled & Iowa) are a lot different from MFKR, and each album advances in its own direction.. kind of..

I don't know..
I like Slipknot, I like Slipknot. I have their 20 minute video, and their self-titled CD. I have yet to get Iowa, since I was put off by the CD cover depicting the Goat of Baphomet (it might just be a regular goat, but you never know). I hear Iowa is heavier, though, than their first one. Drummer is fantastic, but they can do with less sampling, and they have too many percussionists. Other bands that you love to hate (but I love regardless):
Fuel, Taproot, Deftones, Radiohead, Static-X, Incubus, Ultraspank, Tool, Staind, and Orgy.
I think the "custom percussionists" are just there for a stage presence.. which is good :)

Theres another band that makes live shows fun :D

I've heard Static-X puts on a hell of a live show.. yet to see one/videos of one..

There's no doubt about Tool or Deftones though.. :D :D :D
"Fuel, Taproot, Deftones, Radiohead, Static-X, Incubus, Ultraspank, Tool, Staind, and Orgy."

Lot's of people here like Tool (I'm pretty sure)

I love Orgy. :D
MFKR is probably their most technical one, they actually use solos and scale melodies. The intro to Gently in MFKR even resembles (dare I say) an acoustic part of an Opeth song (god I'm gonna get flamed for this).

As for their best CD...probably the S/T. They could afford to shed about 5 members though...
man whats with all the trend-fest band worshipping? I thought this was a page for METAL discussion (thus the name ultimateMETAL).

And Slipknot has not an iota of talent anywhere. The drummer played well back in the day, but no one should be able to rest on past laurels. They suck. Plain. And. Simple.
They could afford to shed about 5 members though...

Then they'd be back to MFKR without Anders singing.. :p

Like I said, I think they're better as stage presence, than actual members.. Slipknot gigs are pretty much as fun and wacky as a whole festival..

Kind of like Pitchshifter using slideshows on their set, showing short movies between set's (allow the bands to set up without letting people get bored) and bringing out 'Satan's Cheerleaders' on their last few songs.. great show's..

I think it's bands like these that give concerts and gigs new meaning.. like everyone singing in with Kiss, stage dive competitions with One Minute Silence (Bassist Glen Diani does dives off the massive speaker stacks.. WITH his guitar :p) and seeing Slipknot is an experience in its own. You may think they sellout for image, but I think of them as innovators.

I think? :confused:

A lot of people who I've known to go to a Slipknot show to see the band supporting them have come back saying they love Slipknots live shows, but hate the music.

A lot of the insults going towards them is from the masks, but thats another side to the live thing.
This has been done to Death, the only thing i have more than slipknot are slipknot comments, there is no bad publicity so by saying things like: "how come so many people like slipknot. how can you like such shit. MFKR was good but they just fuckin suck hard balls now. " just make more idiots ask " who is this slipknot person they talk off?" and that leads to new fans eventually. There is no bad publicity so do not give them publicity at all. I can honestly say that i would quickly listen to slipknots cds and give a consist answer to kill this thread. And yes i realize that by posting im keeping the thread alive, but i gave myself permission to say if you hate slipknot hate them in fucking silence wich its better. But since everyone gives the liberty of taking cheap shoots at slipknot i will make a point a bit more interesting in the mean time

I think it's bands like these that give concerts and gigs new meaning.. like everyone singing in with Kiss, stage dive competitions with One Minute Silence (Bassist Glen Diani does dives off the massive speaker stacks.. WITH his guitar :p) and seeing Slipknot is an experience in its own. You may think they sellout for image, but I think of them as innovators.

Its called Circus and it has been around for hundreds of years, you see the thing is that some people, no no, some fucked up close minded metalhead idiots, have the audacity to think that there should be an space for serious musicians making serious musical expression, and that black metal bands and numetal bands often get a little too close and start taking away the whole reason to do extreme music that is to get away into your own personal space to showcast different artistic views to an audience, and those same metalhead idiots complain about these so called music bands that are nothing but entretainers because they take away the already reduced space for serious bands and serious fans, but o my fucking god this sounds so fucking unreasonable and elitist that all metalheads should be cast out into the darkest club to have their shitty bands play songs while the resourses that could be spend on metal like i dont know promotion, live concerts, record labels are taken away by entretainers. But anyone who automatically dislikes slipknot or nu metal ( yes i said it nu metal im one of the abobe close minded metalheads ) bands its just a homophobic insecure teen looking for acceptance within is subculture group of people by sharing the same opinion about a band like slipknot and having no real argument. The people who call slipknot haters judgemental and closeminded are already one step ahead into the judgemental universe making the former thought