Sullen Jester

Well said Misanthrope, very well said.

You're one of the first people I've known to explain WHY it's bad publicity - a lot of people say "theres no such thing as bad publicity" and expect people to stop at that.

Unless you start a religion and taboo Slipknot, people will listen to it.

Edit: For someone who has learnt English off the internet, you are very smart. You're wiser than a lot of people I know here in Australia.
See, the problem is that if someone mentions a "mainstream" band in ANY thread, someone decides to turn it into a flame thread. It's happening here and it happened at my Staind is cool thread, which had nothing directly to do with Staind. I didn't ask, "Is Staind cool to you?" So if all people want to do is flame others for going against the "ultimatemetal" grain so to speak, really, let them do so. It will not make one bit of difference, and they come off as idiots because they're not even responding to the thread.
It would be much simpler if people merely said: "I do not like Slipknot. No, not even if they played upside-down in their underwear whilst sporting a goldfish in their anus."
Besides, this thread was started by a person who LIKES Slipknot, and most responders were people who LIKED Slipknot. I say, let the thread live on, and whoever doesn't like it, start your own "I hate numetal" thread. Happy going! :mad:
Originally posted by Jayde
You're the only person I know of who likes Slipknot. Which one is the best cd to get?


And all the rest of you: Yes, I like Slipknot. I don't like the majority of their fans, but I like them. And I also like Korn! and SOAD! and.....other not metal people. So don't even start with me, bitches! :( ;)

well i think slipknot's music is pretty good, i don't like their fans and i hate them thoughh

only two of their cd's are available (their first was self released) i like Iowa better but s/t is quite good too

soad were good...their new album is boring, the only good song is aerials...their first album rocked
All you angry people need to Live and Let Live.

Who gives a fuck if someone likes a band you hate? If you think the band is so worthless, then let the fans suffer, it's more metal to do that anyway.