Summer Movies - it's hollywood season

I'm grabbing my popcorn and heading in to see...

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Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Which of these big budget movies are you interested in seeing at the movie theater?

*poll pending - please wait while UM's rusty gears slowly turn*
That movie Sahara, oh man those previews had me rolling, fuck me I didn't think Hollywood could get any more fake and over the top but I was wrong. I'll bet it even has some slow motion John Woo shots, awesome!

I want to see Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but will read the books first. Hey, when I, Robot was coming out last year I read the whole Robot Series by Asimov, so it'll probably happen. :p
JayKeeley said:
It's coming out in 6 weeks.


so I'll definitely be going to see batman
probably charlie and the chocolate factory

nuts to star wars, I'll download a bootlegged cam version like I did the other 2
I suppose it's my duty to have seen all the Star Wars movies, so I guess I'll do that. And I remember having the "War of the Worlds" vinyl when I was a young boy, so I'm definately crossing my fingers that Steven & co doesn't fuck that one up. And, as I said, "Kingsom of Heaven".
Crimson Velvet said:
And I remember having the "War of the Worlds" vinyl when I was a young boy, so I'm definately crossing my fingers that Steven & co doesn't fuck that one up.

Oh yeah! Jeff Wayne's "War of the Worlds" starring Richard Burton, and Phil Lynott as the preacher man. "The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one...but still they come...." DHUN DHUN DHUN....brilliant stuff. I listened to that a million times, looking through the pictures and stuff.

Of course, for the movie, they decided not to go with the 19th century premise and turn it into Independence Day pt 2. But then Spielberg turned to shit at Jurassic Park.
One Inch Man said:
That movie Sahara, oh man those previews had me rolling, fuck me I didn't think Hollywood could get any more fake and over the top but I was wrong. I'll bet it even has some slow motion John Woo shots, awesome!

I want to see Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but will read the books first. Hey, when I, Robot was coming out last year I read the whole Robot Series by Asimov, so it'll probably happen. :p

Since both of those films are already out, and it's only May 6th, I did not include them in the poll. No soup for you!
Fuck that! :loco: Charlie and the Wonka Wicker (whatever they are changing the title to this week) it is then! COCSOCOROROROEOSR!!!

Oh yeah and Star Wars of course. As a wee lad in 1983 I bent my Wookie so I owe it to myself to see them shitz!
JayKeeley said:
Oh yeah! Jeff Wayne's "War of the Worlds" starring Richard Burton, and Phil Lynott as the preacher man. "The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one...but still they come...." DHUN DHUN DHUN....brilliant stuff. I listened to that a million times, looking through the pictures and stuff.

Of course, for the movie, they decided not to go with the 19th century premise and turn it into Independence Day pt 2. But then Spielberg turned to shit at Jurassic Park.

Crap, how I hope I still have that somewhere. I inherited a bunh of old vinyls from one of my uncles long ago, but I've moved like six times after that, and I no frikkin' idea where anything is! :erk:
Judging by the preview, Charles and the Chocolate Factory looks pretty awesome, and I also have a weak spot for Johnny Depp.

Revenge of the Sith is more or less mandatory I guess, but my hopes aren't exactly huge. It will likely be a space opera of humongous proportions and cheesyness, with a pathetic and malplaced romance between Portman and "Anakin" and some horrid comedy relief... :yuk:
Revenge Of The Sith has gotten some great advance reviews... basically saying that it's the best Star Wars since Empire and that it makes you totally forget about those ridiculous prequels... and that it is very dark, violent, and disturbing... apparently parents are already complaining...

I cannot wait to also see Batman Begins (I know this will be good, Christopher Nolan directed it and the cast is stellar) and of course War Of The Worlds