Summer Movies - it's hollywood season

I'm grabbing my popcorn and heading in to see...

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"Kingdom of Heaven" is lacking at least 15 hours. I mean the sceneries are huge, the battles stunning, the characters' psychology is portrayed in a convincing way and Scott's decision to kind of refuse any religious bias is ok with me, even if others will blame cheesy cowardice on him for that.
But fuck, the handling is so helplessly superficial it's embarrassing at times. Plus it's so obvious he had to cut at least one hour footage off for the theatrical version... I'll anticipate the full-length DVD to decide whether it's a good movie or just the sum of vain ambitions (see "Alexander").
I'm interested in seeing Kingdom of Heaven despite the mixed reviews because I've always been fascinated by the crusades, and I'm game for any adaptation of War of the Worlds. I'll wait until people cast their verdict on Chocolate Fcatory before I deicide on that one.
Bruni said:
Revenge Of The Sith ... it is very dark, violent, and disturbing... apparently parents are already complaining...


Here's an example of what parents may already be complaining about:

Apparently, there is a scene in the movie where Anakin searches the Jedi academy to exterminate any and all present and future Jedi at the academy. Several kids end up hiding in a room behind furniture or something, but when they see Anakin they think it's safe to come out and go over to him asking if everything's going to be ok, or what's going on or something.

In one of the subsequent scenes, Yoda discovers the room full of dead children.
I'm looking forward to seeing Kingdom Of Heaven, The Pink Panther, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory and War Of The Worlds. 2005 is set to be a great film summer.

Edit: Has anyone seen "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy"? I don't know if it'll be a good idea to see it or not - I loved the books, but fear the film may take away some of the magic found in the books.. :erk:
Henrik Main said:
Edit: Has anyone seen "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy"? I don't know if it'll be a good idea to see it or not - I loved the books, but fear the film may take away some of the magic found in the books.. :erk:
I just did, pretty entertaining
Yeah, Hitchhikers was great.

Doesn't that new Pink Panther movie have Steve Martin starring? Surely, any fans of the original movies should realize what a travesty this is.
Décadent said:
Doesn't that new Pink Panther movie have Steve Martin starring? Surely, any fans of the original movies should realize what a travesty this is.

Thanks for warning me. I shan't be watching this, then. Steve Martin = the absolute suckage (almost as bad as Robin Williams). I love the classics featuring Peter Sellers, though.
Steve Martin has got to be kidding if he thinks he can replace Peter Sellers. You just know that the hollywood execs are banking on this being a hit because they've got the 5 sequels in the pipeline already. Gah and bah and meh and eh.

Some of the films this year are sold purely on director: Kingdom of Heaven and Batman Begins both interest me because of Ridley Scott and Chris Nolan respectively.

I have a bad feeling about War of the Worlds. And that little Dakota Fanning kid in it, is she the only kid actress in the world or something?

Revenge of the Sith - amazing how the original trilogy can still pull the audiences.
I love Steve Martin, but Peter Sellers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steve Martin

I couldn't even make it through the book War of the Worlds, so I doubt I'll bother with the movie. :dopey:

With each preview I see for Episode III it looks better and better. I really hope it that it kicks ass. I'm starting to think it will.
What have you guys heard about Episode III? From what I gather it's suppose to be dark, disturbing and unsuitable for children. Which is exactly the way it needs to be.

Unlike the majority of people, I enjoyed II quite a bit and to a lesser extent, I. But honestly, a movie with DARTH FUCKING VADER cannot be teh lose. Clone Wars, Jedi getting raped in droves, Vader v. Obi Wan. I'm frickin' psyched. I think Emperor Palpatine is gonna bust out the saber too and probably kill Mace Windu + duel Yoda. Seriously, I know it's probably not good to get all excited, but I'm shitting myself in anticipation.
I've been having trouble finding ANYTHING remotely enjoyable to watch, as far as movies are concerned, as of late. As far as theatres, I have no fucking clue about movies all that much, until they come to the rental stores.
One thing about Star Wars series that always bothered me was the lack of blood. Luke gets his hand chopped off, and there's not one speck of blood. Qui Gon Jin get a light saber through the gut and all we see is burnt clothing. Darth Maul gets cut in half and we even see the two body halves fall down that shaft, and yet, no intestines or blood gushing out. Thousands of laser wounds, no blood. GAY!
I thought of that, and I guess it's the easiest cop-out, so Star Wars geeks don't have to admit Lucas is a wimp and he makes kid movies.

(I like the original trilogy, but the last two were a disgrace)
Dark One said:
Apparently, there is a scene in the movie where Anakin searches the Jedi academy to exterminate any and all present and future Jedi at the academy. Several kids end up hiding in a room behind furniture or something, but when they see Anakin they think it's safe to come out and go over to him asking if everything's going to be ok, or what's going on or something.

In one of the subsequent scenes, Yoda discovers a circle of dead children.
