Summer Movies - it's hollywood season

I'm grabbing my popcorn and heading in to see...

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Truman Show, Man on the Moon, and the BRILLIANT Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind were all incredibly awesome, and made me respect Jim Carrey as an artist even more than I already did. I've been a fan of his since the In Living Color days, any whiteboy that could remain funny around that crowd got two crakkks up from me. :loco:
Cable Guy gets no love.... maybe due to Jim Carrey's overbearing and asinine character with the weird lisp... but that movie had so many over-the-top hilarious scenes... like the hooker scene... and especially the basketball scene.

Jim Carrey is a great actor... especially "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"... greatest movie evar!!!!
lizard said:
yeah Carey was the white relief between all the black humor skits....but once you saw firemarshall Bob (or whatever) two times it was just repetitive.
Yeah Firemarshall Bill :) got repetitive pretty fast, but characters like Vera De Milo and the Pork n' Beans dude were AWESOME. I still imitate lines from those, and sometimes even get a larf!
J. said:
I thought Truman Show was Carrey's best performance. I was very surprised when that movie came out. Great movie.

Brilliant movie. Haven't seen "Eternal Sunshine..." but I've been itchin' to for a while. Sounds like fun for this weekend!