
Nov 13, 2002
houston tx
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i was trying to sleep after working 16 plus hours then my pager cell home phone was going off like crazy it was my mom RIP , saying that its the end of the world and horrible event , turn on the TV now so i did on CNN and then BAMMMMMMMMMMMMM i saw plane 2 crash into the world trade ctr LIVE i remember thinking how could this happen why ? , then i heard about all the other planes . damm those who did this really hate USA . so as tomorrow comes think about all who has died and thank all the responders who helped save and recover loved ones and LETS DO EVERYTHING WE CAN MAKE SURE THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN

I was at Boston's Logan Airport, our flight from Boston to El Paso was delayed for an hour, needless to say it never took off that day, we ended up staying in Boston for 5 extra days.
I had just gotten to my office and was listening to the radio while doing some paperwork. The initial reports after the first tower was struck made us think it was a tragic accident. When the second one struck, anger started mixing with shock and sadness. I was living in Lexington KY at the time. You would think Lexington wouldn't be affected in a direct sense, but a lot of Arab royalty had just flown into town for the thoroughbred yearling sale. Tensions were very high at the sale barns.
I was in high school and remember the principal reporting on what happened over the intercom...which then resulted watching the tv about it in almost every class that day...minus gym of course.
I was in the middle of Motorman's training for NYC Transit at that time. We had to do road ops overnight. We left around 6:30 AM in Concourse Yard up in the N. Bronx. So, I was originally planning to go to Border's and Sbarro's in the WTC (Sbarro's was in the lower concourse of the WTC and had a great breakfast buffet). However, a guy I had an argument passed me and said, "Ray Come on, get in." So, obviously, those plans were derailed. I figgered they would always be there. So, I would go another time. Well, the traffic was murder on the FDR Driveand the Triborough Bridge, so we ended up going the scenic route down Second Ave in Manhattan once we got off the mess that was the FDR Drive (For those of you who do not know, that is the highway that runs down the East River in Manhattan from the Third Ave. Bridge to the Battery) Well, we managed to drop me off at around 8:10 AM. (I live in southern Brooklyn) I chuck off my clothes and jump into bed.

Well, I decided to sleep with my head where my feet usually are, facing the window of my room. I doze off, and then I feel something hitting me in the face. It was my cat, Troubles (May she rest in peace). I look at the clock, and it said 8:44. I put her down on the floor, and doze of again. A little while later, she is smacking me in the face again. Now, I am tired, and this cat does not get the message. It is 9:10 AM in the morning, and this cat is annoying the shit out of me! So, I put her out of my room, and close the door. About an hour later, my phone is ringing. I am wondering what a guy has to do to get some shut-eye around here. It was my Volunteer Ambulance corps, calling to tell me that the meeting was canceled that night. Big deal, I was already not going because of my training commitments. So, I slam the phone down, and go back to bed. About two hours later, another phone call. Now, I am steaming. It was my friend, Tommy. "Ray", he said, "Are you sitting down?", I said, "Tommy, I am trying to sleep. What is it?", "Ray, The World Trade Center collapsed, a planre hit the Pentagon, and another crashed in Pennsylvania, and.." I cut him off, "Tommy, I know you are not a crackhead. If you are smoking crack, I urge you to stop." "Ray, I am not kidding!", "Tommy, I had a very rough night, and it seems like the World does not want me to sleep, so, cut the shit and...", "Ray, turn on your TV.", I am about to go through the phone and choke the life out of him. "Tommy, I am going back to bed. ", "Ray, " he said, "Just turn on your TV." Exasperated, I figgered I would humor him. "OK, I will turn on my TV." So, I did. I turned on Channel 7...nothing. Channel 5....snow. I am like, "OK, who screwed around with the antenna on the roof." I keep changing channels, and getting the same thing...snow. I get to Channel 2.......

Airplane going into South Tower.

Spent the next couple of hours calling family to tell them I was OK. Then, ran to to my Ambulance Corps to run the comm desk until I went to training that night. Yes, we still had to go in! Nothing was done, but we still were required to go in. Go figure. September 12th would be bad, though.
Was at work and heard some co-workers talking about a plane crashing into the building. In my head I just pictured a cesna with mechanical problems. Wasn't till I went home for my lunch break and flipped on the news that I saw what was actually going on... Remember those who were lost then and since.
I was actually supposed to fly from Phoenix to NYC on Sept. 12th to visit relatives. Needless to say that never happened. I just remember getting a call from a friend very early in the morning (AZ time) telling me to turn on the TV.
I was driving to my sociology class and heard about it on the radio. It was on every station, and one DJ was going on and on about the tragic accident. And then the second plane hit. I then remember watching the towers fall on TV before class started. Class was a little late, because even the sociology prof. was standing in the common room with us, watching.
I remember 9/11 all too well.

I was at work at the research and development DoD facility where I still work (though I have moved to a different office but in the same building).

A co-worker at the time was listening to CNN's audio over his computer. He was mesmerized. I asked him what the hell was going on but he wouldn't answer me. Other people came into the office to listen, but they wouldn't answer me either.

I knew something really important or bad had happened. I tried going to the CNN website but it wouldn't respond. I tried a couple of other news websites but they wouldn't respond either. I finally got Fox News website to respond and found out the horrible news.

First thing I did was to call my father. I knew he was either teaching a class or was in the chemistry lab in the college where he was working, therefore probably not aware of the events. Someone had told him of what was going on before I called, so he was at least aware. I told him what I had heard about the WTC attacks. I later called him back when the Penatgon was hit.

Second thing was to call my then girlfriend (now my wife) and ask her if she had heard. She had heard as well. We were both scared as she also worked at a government facility at the time.

Not long after the Pentagon was hit, we had a system wide E-mail telling us to evacuate the entire premises. Note that the entire complex where I work employs over 3,000 people! It didn't help matters that our building was undergoing remodeling at the same time. So when the E-mail came in and told us to evacuate, I told everyone I could to get the hell out of the building and go home.

Then I left and drove home. NYC is one thing, but the Pentagon was something else as I only live about 60 miles away. I turned on the all news station in our town and listened as I drove home (usually an hour drive, which took about 2 hours with the traffic since our facility only has two two-lane roads that lead to it.). I drove with white knuckles the entire way, thinking what may happen next. The entire DC area could have been easily targeted. What else could happen? So many potential targets nearby, what could be next? Was our facility going to be hit? Am I driving right into the next trap?

I finally made it home. We were told to stay away for I think 2 or 3 days from our facility. We did manage to go back to work, but it was forever changed. Security was heavily tightened and remained so for about a year. Random car inspections, etc. Every so often the security gets really tight, as it was this past week.

But our lives and our work at our facility was changed forever.
I was asleep when my then-roommate Tim called me and told me to get up right away and put the TV on. This was shortly after the second plane had hit and we knew it was NO accident, so I was (un)lucky enough to see both towers collapse live.
A short time later I got a call from my manager not to report to work: I work at a Federal office and they had sent everyone home from dayshift and cancelled swing- and night-shift. I just watched the TV in shock.
As I recall, we were back to work on the 12th, but there was a military half-track parked at the entrance (which we were glad to see) and Federal Protective Service cruisers in evidence as well.
My workplace is right next to the second-busiest airport in Georgia, Dekalb-Peachtree Field, and it was truly eerie not to see ANY aircraft take off or land. The silence was completely unnerving.

To borrow a quote from Ayreon, "REMEMBER. FOREVER."
I was at home watching the news reports of a plane hitting the WTC. As I was watching, I saw the second plane hit and I had the sinking feeling that it wasn't an accident. I tried getting a hold of my then girlfriend (now wife), but found out that she was at home and not in downtown DC. She had no clue what was happening, so I told her to turn on the TV.

I tried going into work, but everyone was listening to the radio and after a while it was too much. I took off work for the rest of the day, and left the TV off for the rest of the day. I just couldn't deal with it at the time.
I was sitting in 8th grade geography when my school turned on the TV. I didn't really know what was happening or what to think until the second plane hit. then it was like OK, what te hell is going on?

There was 1 pakestani kid in my class. He ended up having to leave early from getting threats. Pretty crazy stuff, I can't belive it's been 10 years.
I was in sixth grade... they didn't really tell us anything. :/ At one point an assistant teacher said that a plane was hijacked and the twin towers were gone, but I didn't really understand what she meant until I got home and saw the news.