super heavy (bounce)

Bass lacks too much mid! The only thing I hear in the guitar version of the bass is some grind and that's it. It can sound cool but the string sound is really really annoying.
100% disagree with you.

this is just my style and sound that i go for.
Do you not listen to much heavy stuff?

I can not even stand to hear a mix without bass grind.
This is a djent mix not a metalcore mix.
"Here is my mix, give me your opinion."


"Your opinion is wrong."
Not even close to what Chris actually said. I'm digging the bass tones, dude, they sound like straight metal.

I love how people online take me as if im a cocky dick everything i say gets take the wrong way lol, im actually a pretty nice chill dude. :p

i guess people just have to know me
Sounds realy cool on my headphones. What tuning is this


This is in Drop G

And thanks man im glad there are people out there that are into my bass tones haha :p Like i said i just go with what i like in a mix for this style, because im kinda picky when it comes to the heavy stuff, if that bass isn't clanky and doesn't have a ton of grid trash that shit! lol