Super Heavy Deathcore! 5150+ENGL (LOOK!)

No, that wouldn't work. That would just be the same track on both sides aka you would only hear it dead center. What I linked to works. That's what I did.

what are you talking about? it works. there are two DIFFERENT guitar tracks in the stereo file.
what are you talking about? it works. there are two DIFFERENT guitar tracks in the stereo file.

If you duplicate the stereo file and pan them both hard L/R, then you have four stereo tracks going at once that are already panned.

Yeah, sorry to the OP but this is better than the original.

I think you forgot to add "in my opinion".
Ok, so I'm having a hell of a time lining up the toms (trying to paste all the drums into a single midi track for SD2.0)... Anybody know which bar each of the toms are supposed to start at? I lined them all up at the 3rd bar but it just sounds wrong and makes for impossible drumming (i.e. drummer has 4 hands). Any help would be much appreciated cause i REALLY wanna mix this damn thing... If anybody has a single midi file for the drums, that would also be awesome.
Ok, so I'm having a hell of a time lining up the toms (trying to paste all the drums into a single midi track for SD2.0)... Anybody know which bar each of the toms are supposed to start at? I lined them all up at the 3rd bar but it just sounds wrong and makes for impossible drumming (i.e. drummer has 4 hands). Any help would be much appreciated cause i REALLY wanna mix this damn thing... If anybody has a single midi file for the drums, that would also be awesome.

I got your back, man. Here's the assembled drums and OHs in separate files: When you import them there may still be separate MIDI tracks, but it's all lined up so you can copy/paste everything into one track.
I am just curious, but what kind of issues were you all having with the drums? After exporting, i imported it all into a new session to make sure everything worked on my end and lining all of the midi drums up at the third bar had them all in time. So i just don't know what went wrong if that isnt working for some of you guys haha