
This is a Total rip-off of another thread from another board( I forget which) So don't get pissy about originality. It Aint.

If You could be Bitten by a radio active X what superpowers would you like to have?

I expect some weird and twisted responses because the old version only got about 3 replies and they were shit. Do better.

Going to go and try and think of something to have now.
I'd be a wizard!!!!!

always walking
never talking
using his magic
and then harmonicas would start playing
Godly guitar and drumming abilities
Super Speed
Super Enhanced Senses
A lot of muscle
The ability to cum for ten minutes straight
Super intelligence
Ability to learn the skills of others through touch

I'm sure there's more I havent thought of yet
I'm power greedy lol
Call me old-fashioned, but ever since I was a little kid, I've always wanted to be able to use the Dark Side of the Force. You can't go wrong! Mind control, telekinesis, long life, superior instincts, lightning bolts from your fingers...the Dark Side has it all!

Plus you get to wear black all the time and NOT look like a cliche metaltard.
Let's see...
Dave Lombardo's drumming skills, Peter Steele's wang, and the ability to clap my hands and change the music playing over any PA (such as that in a movie theater). Oh, and unlimited shapeshifting powers.

Yeah, I should just said "The power to get laid"...same thing.
Pyrus said:
and the ability to clap my hands and change the music playing over any PA (such as that in a movie theater).

Dude! I'm totally with you on this one. I'd love to be able to walk into a bar and change whatever bullshit is on the jukebox to something that's even remotely interesting. Like changing "Love Shack" to "Where Dead Angels Lie."
Seriously...I was at Pirates of the Carribean (which, apart from ghey-ass Disney humor and stupid too-happy ending, is really good) recently, and they were playing some shit like Jennifer Lopez or a clone...I wanted to point at the closest speaker, clap, and put on some Dark fucking Angel or something.

This city is guilty
The crime is life
The punishment's death
Darkness deSCEEEEEEEEEeeeeennndsss...

I fucking love that album. And this power could be very useful for switching to some romantic music when the mood is right...

I've got a one-track mind.