superjoint ritual


Dec 5, 2002
Mattoon, IL
Opinions anyone?

My two cents: I think they fucking suck. They're nothing more than Great Southern Trendkill-era Pantera with less talented musicians, garbage production, and Phil at his absolute worst on vocals. Personally, I think Phil needs to pull his head out of his goddamn ass and stop trying to be underground.:ill:
phil anselmo is a self righteous over opinionated blowhard, but i generally like the bands hes in, this being no exception. yeah its sloppy, its supposed to be, and i think it fits the gritty, nasty songwriting and fuzzy guitars. its not supposed to be technical or brutal, to me it conveys a lot of energy....and a lot of drug use. you wouldnt want eyehategod or the crumbs to have perfect production and performance either. either way pantera was going to shit and damage plan is beyond shit. this is the best of the bunch in my opinion.
SJR are average, nothing great and not underground as Phil wants.If Phil wants to be underground he should be part of some "kvlt" BM band and not tell the world and claim he wants to retire from music or some bullshit along those lines.
I saw 'em last month. They were SUPPOSED to be with Deicide but they dropped off the tour at the last moment.

For some reason I stuck around hoping SJR would have a decent set; not only did that suck, but Phil blathered on like some fucking white-trash redneck monkey.

Seriously, he tried to fit the phrase (and I use that term loosely) "Motherfuckin-goddamn" into every other sentence.
Phil's brain is totally fried. He hosted Headbangers Ball last week, and could barely string together a coherent sentence on anything aired on the show.
the only good anselmo side project was down, and he should've stayed with them if he wanted to keep any credibility he had before. but he decided to stay with an average at best (and that's being extremely kind) "punk metal" band. two more things to cover about phil, his vocal chords are shot. proof? his vocals on sjr's new album and people have told me that his vocals with down are horrible live. and he really seems to have this god complex going on. "I Think This Band Deserves Your Attention." enough said
Superjoing Ritual sounds like late Pantera coming out of my ass. Phil was good but he's fried his brains to the point where he can't sing without fucking himself up. He's a dumbass. Maybe he should shoot up again and die for more than 5 minutes now.