Swano vs Akerfeldt thread in Opeth board


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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Swano fans, go to the Opeth board and post your thoughts on the Swano vs Akerfeldt Poll thread. At this point, Dan's losing 36-22. I love Opeth, but I want Dan to get a fair vote.
hehe I just got that Star One....it rules! I especially like Eye of Ra! Great Stuff! Anyways, how long have you known Mikael, Dan? You guys seem to go back, but was it when you produced Opeth that you met him? And did you immediately realize how special those sessions would turn out to be?
This Swanö vs. Akerfeld thread is so stupid...
Why someone shall decide between them? You can't compare music or musicians. Maybe in classical music, when everyone has to play exactly the same.
Originally posted by Dan Swanö
Well, what can I say..!!!
people like Arjen kick both our asses all the way to the moon anyway.

Coming in 2003...

... Mikael Akerfeldt...

... Dan Swanö...

"Moon Bootprints On My Ass"

... the final word in Lunar Metal!

(sorry, that was lame...)
Well, I don't think that is anything to go by at all, because an Opeth board is gonna be filled with Opeth FANS, first and foremost, and Mikael IS Opeth, second of all, so of course the votes would be in his favor. If the same poll was posted on this board, or an Edge Of Sanity board, or a Nightingale board if they existed, I can guaratee the votes would be in Dan's favor...
Swano fans, go to the Opeth board and post your thoughts on the Swano vs Akerfeldt Poll thread. At this point, Dan's losing 36-22. I love Opeth, but I want Dan to get a fair vote.

36-22 at the _Opeth_ forum.... humm... Seems like Dan wins this one as well.. :) Doucheman said it best when he said

Well, I don't think that is anything to go by at all, because an Opeth board is gonna be filled with Opeth FANS, first and foremost, and Mikael IS Opeth, second of all, so of course the votes would be in his favor. If the same poll was posted on this board, or an Edge Of Sanity board, or a Nightingale board if they existed, I can guaratee the votes would be in Dan's favor...

For me, I can`t choose. They are both vocal-Gods, with an unsimilar approach and style... Stupid poll methinks.
Thanks for the plug! Yes, it IS a pretty stupid poll. It would be like if someone went on a Slayer message board and posted a poll between Tom Araya and Dave Mustaine. I mean, who the fuck do you THINK would win?!?!? :confused:
Heh, for playing their string instruments you mean? Then I guess Araya would win since Mustaine is out of business with his injured arm... If you ment their performance as vocalist, I`m once again left in a situation where I am unable to choose.... because they both can`t sing at all!!! I could make nicer sounds with my ass if I gave it a try. I saw this slayer concert once, Araya drewled like a maniac! The whole mic-stand was filled with earwax, buggers and slime. "Grace your skin with my fingertips..." Ha ha, as if!
Heh, I happen to be a HUGE Slayer fan, so I will ignore those degrading comments you made about them. The poll between Araya and Mustaine I was referring to was simply a hypothetical situation, is all, to prove the point that die-hard fans are generally the ones that frequent a band or artist's message boards...
Originally posted by Timmeth
How can you compare a bassist to a Lead/Rhythm guitar player?

Jesus Christ, why are you people reading so far into this? I was comparing them as FRONTMEN, all right?!?! What more do I have to say? Let's not forget that both guys are VOCALISTS too, huh, just in case my intention WAS to create a huge controversy about it, which it WASN'T. Fuck. The guy who posted this topic was obviously a little perturbed that Akerfeldt received so many more votes than Dan on the OPETH board, and my point was, in case you didn't read my post above that, was that it should be expected where it is an OPETH board, frequented by Opeth FANS, and that it is no big deal. If I was actually "comparing", as you say, I believe that would entail me giving MY personal opinion, especially where I am a huge fan of both bands, which I didn't do because I was using it merely as an EXAMPLE.