Swans and Gira's other bands.....


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
I'm mainly asking Nate, our Swans expert. I'm totally getting into a ton of this type of stuff like lots of Neurot bands, re-discovering Godflesh, and now listening to my one CDr, Swans - Great Annihilator. It's weird, but pleases this duder, and I thank Swans for that.

What other Swans CDs are in this era? I hate Cop/Young God. Too abrasive for me.

Is Angels of Light stuff like the good Swans? How about World of Skin, Gira's other band?
Swans - Children of God/World of Skin is a must buy. The abrasiveness took a step back here, and the Jarboe tracks are stunning.

The Angels of Light I have heard in the past I have found particularly bland. I recently heard the split with Akron/Family and the Akron half really outshone Angels of Light. From what I've read, Gira really stepped back up to something worthwhile on that split, so that's not saying much for the prior releases..
Thanks. Reading reviews of that one, it sounds like the Swans I'm looking for. what albums fit that sound and era?

their discography is so enormous and confusing with all these re-issues.

the song Blood Promise...woah
'White Light from the Mouth of Infinity' & 'Love of Life' is what you need.Both albums are from the 90's, in fact just prior to 'The Great Annihilator'. They're OOP unfortunately but if you're lucky you can get it for 30$ or something. I'd post samples if asked.

Note that you can find some of these tracks on the 'Various Failures' comp.

Also, if you're heavily into Godflesh, there are chances you'd appreciate their first period (big influence of Godflesh) . 'Public castration is a good idea' and other albums before (including) 'Children of God'.
Not very accessible imo. But mandatory once you dig them a bit more sure ! :)
J. said:
I'm mainly asking Nate, our Swans expert. I'm totally getting into a ton of this type of stuff like lots of Neurot bands, re-discovering Godflesh, and now listening to my one CDr, Swans - Great Annihilator. It's weird, but pleases this duder, and I thank Swans for that.

What other Swans CDs are in this era? I hate Cop/Young God. Too abrasive for me.

Is Angels of Light stuff like the good Swans? How about World of Skin, Gira's other band?

If you like the solo Neurosis-guys stuff, you should definitely check out Angels of Light (particularly 'How I Loved You' - a tribute to his parents). AoL is more "beautiful" than Neurosis solo stuff, but VERY good.

As far as Swans???

If you like The Great Annihilator, your next move should be one of these 3.

1) Children of God - You'll probably only find the Children of God/World of Skin reissue (becuase the original CD of Children of God is like at least $50 on ebay), but that's a good thing because you can here World of Skin.

2) White Light from the Mouth of Infinity - AMAZING album. The next logical move beyond Children of God. Probably more similar to The Great Annihilator.

3) Love of Life - Another step beyond White Light, and also more similar to The Great Annihilator. This album and White Light are sort of companion albums . . . similar cover art and music. I'm pretty sure he had a big idea going between the two.

Those 3 albums, along with The Great Annihilator, are basically the ESSENTIAL mid period Swans.

Soundtracks for the Blind is a very spacious album, and I'd wait until you've heard all the others first. It was their last full album. Great album, though.

I don't know why White Light and Love of Life have never been reissued, so they are pretty expensive on ebay. I think I got them each for about $24 a few years ago. I can make you CDR's if you want. Just PM me your address.
Thanks. I know where I can get the entire AoL discography and the Children of God/World of Skin and Soundtracks for the Blind for a decent price. Finding LoL and White Lght will be a challenge, but it doesn't seem they fetch a huge price on eBay. usually around $25 or so. not bad.

what about The Burning World? is that one any good? or do i need to just stick with:

Chldren of God/World of Skin
White Light
Love of Life
Great Annihilator
Soundtrack for the Blind

AoL - all (because i totally dig the solo neurosis)
I'm of the opinion that The Burning World is absolutely great, but everyone including Gira seems to loathe it. It's understandable from Gira's point of view, apparantly it was hell recording it, having to deal with a major label and an outside producer; I suppose his vision was compromised. But from a listener's perspective, I don't find any faults and it should be recognized on it's own merits.
It's just different.. Shimmering production, soothing atmospheres, but still containing remarkable songs.

Might as well buy it, while you're at it.
ill prolly get burning world as well.

at the store i saw a cd by The Body Lovers in the swans section. it said it was Gira ambient works. dunno if its any good
I have it along with the two bunnies. Some of the songs are different versions than on the bunnies, but it's probably not worth spending money for both. My Various Failures is signed by Michael Gira, but he signs a lot of stuff.
Nate The Great said:
2) White Light from the Mouth of Infinity - AMAZING album. The next logical move beyond Children of God. Probably more similar to The Great Annihilator.


I actualy don't like this one so much
I picked it up in a bargain bin for about £1 on cassette, must be over 10 years ago.....wonder what its worth now
too gothic for me, it put me off them for a bit, I do like it more now
but its not the one Id reach for
J: just out of curiosity, have you ever listened to Dead Can Dance? For some reason I think you might like them. I think a long time I remember you saying that "Warm" was your fave track on TGA and you're into the whole pagan atmosphere thing... But then again, you might think they're gay
Dick Sirloin said:
J: just out of curiosity, have you ever listened to Dead Can Dance? For some reason I think you might like them. I think a long time I remember you saying that "Warm" was your fave track on TGA and you're into the whole pagan atmosphere thing... But then again, you might think they're gay

Never heard DCD. Yeah, Warm, Mind/Body/Light/Sound, and the beautiful Blood Promise are my faves from TGA.